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What (other) games does everyone play?

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Sometimes when I get bored of runescape, I go to sleep

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Rocket league/Fortnite/Realm. Big into BR's but RS is always the bae

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I play Phantasy Star Online on private servers sometimes (I used to be really into this game). I also play the Pokémon games mostly for nostalgia and haven't followed the metagame since generation 4. Other than that I don't play video games a whole lot, although there are some newer games I want to play.

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I actually just stepped down from running one of the top siege guilds in Black Desert Online to play other games a few weeks ago. Managed to get myself re-hooked on osrs and found you guys. 

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i do have a PS4 but i'm not playing it anymore tbh. i do play Pokemon Go tho :kappa:.


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LoL & TFT at the moment. Tried giving PS4 a go but couldn't get into it and ended up selling it. PCMR

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bo4 on xbox 1/ps4 


"litgoddess"-xbox 1 ADD ME

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Borderlands 3 :D

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Zgirls 3

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@Sybren got me hooked with new game called nosgoth(old game from 2007 if im right) 

Edited by Akrr

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7 hours ago, Akrr said:

@Sybren got me hooked with new game called nosgoth(old game from 2007 if im right) 

AW YEAh :D the release was 2014





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