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What (other) games does everyone play?

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kinda wanna dust off my Ps2 and play all the old games like nfs, ratchet and clank i got nba street too man i should do that but osrs is #1

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I used to play dota 2, was like 4600 mmr which is like top 0.25% of players, switched to runescape as the salt from dota was starting to affect my cholesterol levels. I am a proud wood league OW player, Only play 1 hero, feels amazing.

Dude good shit! Was 4350 myself. Honestly tho over the years, I've just developed too many types of terminal cancer playing Dota 2 LMAO. 

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pubg, csgo, overwatch

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I used to play dota 2, was like 4600 mmr which is like top 0.25% of players, switched to runescape as the salt from dota was starting to affect my cholesterol levels. I am a proud wood league OW player, Only play 1 hero, feels amazing.

Dude good shit! Was 4350 myself. Honestly tho over the years, I've just developed too many types of terminal cancer playing Dota 2 LMAO. 


Ye I main offlane, Only play techies/tinker/troll warlord so you can imagine the amount of buttmad i deal with

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I used to play dota 2, was like 4600 mmr which is like top 0.25% of players, switched to runescape as the salt from dota was starting to affect my cholesterol levels. I am a proud wood league OW player, Only play 1 hero, feels amazing.

Dude good shit! Was 4350 myself. Honestly tho over the years, I've just developed too many types of terminal cancer playing Dota 2 LMAO. 


Ye I main offlane, Only play techies/tinker/troll warlord so you can imagine the amount of buttmad i deal with


techies............................ you monster.

can't complain too much, I'm a mid player so i played a lot of tinker too xD

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The only two games I played through be League of Legends and OSRS. After hitting the real high elo, I was tired of the grind. Now I am 100% OSRS. 

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Csgo, DayZ Standalone, Rust, PUBG, H1Z1, Arma 3.

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PUBG mainly, anyone play sea of thieves?

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CSGO, sometimes fortnite, mw2 and some xbox 1 games like gears 4, COD, fractured but whole

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I play league if anyone else wants to play a few games sometimes. I am a big flamer tho and am chat restricted.

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Mostly enjoying PS4 exclusives, like Horizon or Uncharted.

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