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Any spoons in the chat?

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nice loser

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Gpatt is the greatest human being I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life, and likely will remain upon that pedestal until the end of time.  Gpatt's voice could solve the entirety of humanities problems, however ultimately gpatt knows life cannot be that easy.  Gpatt's PVM prowess cannot be topped.  There is no goal gpatt cannot overcome, no matter the magnitude.  Gpatt forever.

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4 hours ago, Siege said:


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27 minutes ago, Brandon said:

Gpatt is the greatest human being I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life, and likely will remain upon that pedestal until the end of time.  Gpatt's voice could solve the entirety of humanities problems, however ultimately gpatt knows life cannot be that easy.  Gpatt's PVM prowess cannot be topped.  There is no goal gpatt cannot overcome, no matter the magnitude.  Gpatt forever.


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13 hours ago, Brandon said:

Gpatt is the greatest human being I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life, and likely will remain upon that pedestal until the end of time.  Gpatt's voice could solve the entirety of humanities problems, however ultimately gpatt knows life cannot be that easy.  Gpatt's PVM prowess cannot be topped.  There is no goal gpatt cannot overcome, no matter the magnitude.  Gpatt forever.

nah, am doggie. woof

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well done

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