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Tank op. Had a big dick zerk (112 cb). Got bored. Made a tank. Love it. Wouldn’t go any other way. Still have accounts that cover the other brackets, but my tank is my go to for everything. 

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I'm a 60 attack med. I like the build because I can fight pures, rune pures and med levels and but it has its drawbacks. Only being able to use claws is annoying at times, especially now that AGS and Elder Maul are so cheap. 

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8 hours ago, Zewy said:

So it really depends what your looking for in the game and style of pking. If your talking about edge/bh style pking then can't go wrong but thats not my expertise.

I will say in my long history of med clanning these are facts:

1. 60att zerk, hella fun for demolishing pures. Thats about it. Bad for clanning. if you intend on joining you'll want an alt.
2. 75att Zerk. see #1, a tiny bit better for clanning but every 75att zerk always goes either 99att Zerk or 75att med in the end. (They are 100x better for clanning)
3. 60att Med. Again destroys pures in single bridding. OK for clanning but very limited. Its essentially a bad tank.
4. 99att Zerk. Only for clanning. Great melee DPS and very fun. Cheap & fun, fast returns. A bit obsolete. (thanks jagex) Not to much variaty.
5. 75 att med. Most versitile by far. Can do everything. Good for pvp/bh/clanning etc.
6. 99def tank. My favorite, clanning great. Singles good. Pvp meh. Not to much variaty.


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i think i dont need to re post everything i told u in discord already :P

but always ur own intressts over clanning, builds etc, clanning is doable with 60 attack med easily

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I initially applied to veng on a 60 attack med, it was fairly limited for clanning so I made a tank with minimal effort. I didn't intend to use the tank for anything but clanning but I don't really log in my 60 att med much anymore.


If I wasn't such a whale at singles my opinion might be different.

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7 hours ago, Milky said:

I initially applied to veng on a 60 attack med, it was fairly limited for clanning so I made a tank with minimal effort. I didn't intend to use the tank for anything but clanning but I don't really log in my 60 att med much anymore.


If I wasn't such a whale at singles my opinion might be different.

Tank meta 

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On 28-12-2020 at 9:08 PM, Zewy said:

So it really depends what your looking for in the game and style of pking. If your talking about edge/bh style pking then can't go wrong but thats not my expertise.

I will say in my long history of med clanning these are facts:

1. 60att zerk, hella fun for demolishing pures. Thats about it. Bad for clanning. if you intend on joining you'll want an alt.
2. 75att Zerk. see #1, a tiny bit better for clanning but every 75att zerk always goes either 99att Zerk or 75att med in the end. (They are 100x better for clanning)
3. 60att Med. Again destroys pures in single bridding. OK for clanning but very limited. Its essentially a bad tank.
4. 99att Zerk. Only for clanning. Great melee DPS and very fun. Cheap & fun, fast returns. A bit obsolete. (thanks jagex) Not to much variaty.
5. 75 att med. Most versitile by far. Can do everything. Good for pvp/bh/clanning etc.
6. 99def tank. My favorite, clanning great. Singles good. Pvp meh. Not to much variaty.

Zewy nailed it.

The main thing I wanted to highlight between the biggest difference of zerk vs meds = the ancient prayers rigour and augury which give you hefty accuracy/maxhit/defence bonusses and all the extra armor pieces you can wear which makes the zerk pretty much obsolete for multi fights.

There's fights happening in every bracket, it's what you expect of those fights tho. I recommend checking our the location you expect to be pking at and seeing what builds are actively fighting if that's what you're looking for.

Out of my experience in 4 years of clanning in the scene -> the med build is the most versatile for both single and multi pking and offers a lot of variety. Good luck!

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It all depends on what you like the most.

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i started as a cb 94 zerk with 60 atk. felt like i was missing out on alot of content.

so then i got 75 atk 75 def and I still am that. I like it very much. great pvp pvm mix

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On 28-12-2020 at 9:08 PM, Zewy said:

So it really depends what your looking for in the game and style of pking. If your talking about edge/bh style pking then can't go wrong but thats not my expertise.

I will say in my long history of med clanning these are facts:

1. 60att zerk, hella fun for demolishing pures. Thats about it. Bad for clanning. if you intend on joining you'll want an alt.
2. 75att Zerk. see #1, a tiny bit better for clanning but every 75att zerk always goes either 99att Zerk or 75att med in the end. (They are 100x better for clanning)
3. 60att Med. Again destroys pures in single bridding. OK for clanning but very limited. Its essentially a bad tank.
4. 99att Zerk. Only for clanning. Great melee DPS and very fun. Cheap & fun, fast returns. A bit obsolete. (thanks jagex) Not to much variaty.
5. 75 att med. Most versitile by far. Can do everything. Good for pvp/bh/clanning etc.
6. 99def tank. My favorite, clanning great. Singles good. Pvp meh. Not to much variaty.

interesting, will keep my 70 atk/99 str/99 def account the same. 

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I'll be going 5th soon 

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