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2 weeks into my zerk clanning account

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1 hour ago, Liberty said:

Max med is 109 combat so you will blend in to the fall in without it being instantly obviously that you're a zerk. Maybe it's down to personal preference, though I doubt 22 more prayer levels would influence the way you play. You can max combat stats as zerk with 77 prayer for 109 combat. I'd rather keep my 3 combat levels and stay at 109 instead of 112. If i'm getting smited at 77 prayer i probably need to rethink my own level of ability. :D


i see, that makes alot more sense ty 

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off to a good start!

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3 hours ago, Liberty said:

Max med is 109 combat so you will blend in to the fall in without it being instantly obviously that you're a zerk. Maybe it's down to personal preference, though I doubt 22 more prayer levels would influence the way you play. You can max combat stats as zerk with 77 prayer for 109 combat. I'd rather keep my 3 combat levels and stay at 109 instead of 112. If i'm getting smited at 77 prayer i probably need to rethink my own level of ability. :D



Maxed tank is also 109cb B)

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51 minutes ago, Milky said:


Maxed tank is also 109cb B)

109 is the magic number 

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loos like some solid progress well done lad!

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Nice progress man, gl on the rest

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gl on the grind

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keep it up and keep posting pics man!

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