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Dog's are like family.

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So... It's been a tough few weeks firstly through the loss of my 3 year old Golden Retriever / Great pyrenees mix.


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Took him to the Vets who found nothing wrong with him; for him to die 36 hours later; after repeated begs for the vets to have a look and being dismissed as nothing wrong :(.


Pretty strange; because out of all the funerals i have ever been to... I have never cried (even with immediate family member / best friend who committed suicide). And that's not me being tough, it's the truth.


With this Dog; i was literally broken... which was bizarre.


I just can't understand how people can even mistreat animals in the first place, they give so much love / atmosphere to the home.


All the dog's we have rescued and i would recommend it to anybody; they appreciate so much more. I think it's only right to open our home up again to another rather than spite ourselves.



Edit: I don't post real pictures of the dog as my house is very identifiable in 99% of the pics =).

Edited by Border_Force

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Damn i feel your sadness,  pets can get very close and life without them after they are gone can be devastating 

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thats devastating to read man, keep your head up! that doggo has a better place in dogwalhalla

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Sorry to hear man : (

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Sorry to hear man. Doggie is in dogheaven rn, where all the good boys and girls go

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Dogs are indeed the humans best friend man. 

You can bond differently with a bond - through emotions. No words needed.

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Only fur-kids here, hang in there "all dogs go to heaven". 

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I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a dog hurts real bad, but you'll always have the memories to hold on to

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On 13/02/2020 at 7:52 AM, Border_Force said:

So... It's been a tough few weeks firstly through the loss of my 3 year old Golden Retriever / Great pyrenees mix.


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See the source image


Took him to the Vets who found nothing wrong with him; for him to die 36 hours later; after repeated begs for the vets to have a look and being dismissed as nothing wrong :(.


Pretty strange; because out of all the funerals i have ever been to... I have never cried (even with immediate family member / best friend who committed suicide). And that's not me being tough, it's the truth.


With this Dog; i was literally broken... which was bizarre.


I just can't understand how people can even mistreat animals in the first place, they give so much love / atmosphere to the home.


All the dog's we have rescued and i would recommend it to anybody; they appreciate so much more. I think it's only right to open our home up again to another rather than spite ourselves.



Edit: I don't post real pictures of the dog as my house is very identifiable in 99% of the pics =).

my thoughts are with you and your family xx

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I've said goodbye to 3 family dogs in my time, and then 3 of my own dogs. Worst feeling in the world. 

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Shit man, can’t imagine 

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