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Range Tank - Defense Training?

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11 hours ago, Moocow said:

Justiciar...cheap? wot


I totally forgot about dharoks. That would probably be the way to go for NMZ. A combo of dharok and bursting sounds good.

Not cheap, but you sell it when you're done. Can't recover chins or barrage runes

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11 hours ago, SPEARFlSHER said:

Not cheap, but you sell it when you're done. Can't recover chins or barrage runes


True...and 1 absorb every 20 minutes is ridiculously afk lol. I could do something productive...like finish tiling...

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12 hours ago, Moocow said:


True...and 1 absorb every 20 minutes is ridiculously afk lol. I could do something productive...like finish tiling...

If you use Google Chrome Remote Desktop you can check it every 18 minutes and top up absorbs with your phone. I literally had mine going every hour I was awake and not too busy. You can get alot of housework or work work done between checks haha.

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12 hours ago, SPEARFlSHER said:

If you use Google Chrome Remote Desktop you can check it every 18 minutes and top up absorbs with your phone. I literally had mine going every hour I was awake and not too busy. You can get alot of housework or work work done between checks haha.

Nuts. Have you tried it with torags? I don't even have 70m bank yet but I could get gold for torags pretty quick.

What bosses do you set it to? I'm not seeing the guide show up in search.



edit: found the guide

Edited by Moocow

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If you have 65 slayer, (defensive casting) ice bursting/barraging dust devils in the catacombs. If you have an alt that alchs drops you can almost or even breakeven. Quite a lot of effort though.

I did defence while doing slayer — so it was def + cannon and barrage tasks.

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5 minutes ago, watt said:

If you have 65 slayer, (defensive casting) ice bursting/barraging dust devils in the catacombs. If you have an alt that alchs drops you can almost or even breakeven. Quite a lot of effort though.

I did defence while doing slayer — so it was def + cannon and barrage tasks.

I made money bursting dusties. Nearly 2m/trip. But I also had max mage and a kodai. It's VERY click intensive too.

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I blow darted long range to train my range and def at the same time. Not sure about the efficiency but it made it easy although not cheap

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