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Range Tank - Defense Training?

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What's the best way to train defense for a range tank? I have 75 atk/73 str and used sara sword/whip to get 73 defense while imbuing all my stuff afk at NMZ.

Is ice bursting defense the way to go, or should I just keep whippin it?

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I think dharocks in nmz would be fastest bro. could be wrong 

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I do believe bursting/barraging is gonna be the best way to get 99 def, you can do some AFK melee defense training in the meanwhile to make it cost a bit less, but it will definitely take a long time if you don't mage it

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Full justiciar with whip in NMZ. Took me 2 weeks from 83.

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If you search the forums or look in the guides section man, I made a guide for it.

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14 minutes ago, SPEARFlSHER said:

Full justiciar with whip in NMZ. Took me 2 weeks from 83.

that ^ or burst/barrage on defence xp if you're looking for some nice hitpoints xp as well

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I whipped ammonite crabs all the way to 99 on mine. It was terrible 

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probably barrage/bursting indeed , other then that i you don't wanna spend money, NMZ or DH'ing monkeys gorillas in ape atoll


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i think you should check out what spearfisher said for cheap way !

2 hours ago, SPEARFlSHER said:

Full justiciar with whip in NMZ. Took me 2 weeks from 83.



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If you got funds, chinning is best. If you're already 99 range, burst/barrage it.


Otherwise sitting in nmz yeah

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10 hours ago, Akrr said:

i think you should check out what spearfisher said for cheap way !



Justiciar...cheap? wot


I totally forgot about dharoks. That would probably be the way to go for NMZ. A combo of dharok and bursting sounds good.

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