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revenent pking

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On 17/12/2019 at 8:56 AM, SPEARFlSHER said:

Send PATRON a PM on Discord mate. He's GMT council and a legend, he'll get you involved

Class mate thanks! I'll drop him a message shortly  hopefully get my name in there 👊🏽

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Hope to see your apps soon

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im always down guys

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Rev Pk sounds good. and we you guys make sunday trips deep wildy i would join too 

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13 hours ago, VENG said:

Rev Pk sounds good. and we you guys make sunday trips deep wildy i would join too 

ye we have official sunday trips fighting clans

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put in that app and you will be told xD

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Year later, still down 

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Veng seems pretty active! 

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rev caves is such a good place to pk alot of unskilled pkers there easy money

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