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@PATRON the discord thing has been a pain for some time now. The issue is that when people do @vengewhatever theres no way to mute that and I also am not in control of being in that group. So basically every time somebody does @vengwhatever it's effectively the same thing as @here or @everybody except I have no control over if I can mute that or not. 

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Mizi welcome back bro your not addicted your fucking committed and we are so glad to have you back! You were definitely missed @Mizi

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now I wanne be your best friend! you know, just incase :D

hahaah joking mate, you're completely up to do what you want with your pixels and no one ells has their say about that

Welcome back bro, that's all that really matters to me!

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On 8/21/2019 at 10:22 PM, Mizi said:

also can somebody give me a disc invite cuz i left it (can u blame me I get a notification from it every 5 seconds and theres no way to turn it off)

Mute all the channels except announcements.



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tbh mute everything and everyone.  YOUR WELCOME

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