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Having some problems

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Basically i've had this problem for about 1 year now and i've contacted Jagex but still doesn't give me an response. What my problem is that i just can't login to runescape with my internet, i've tried loggin in with my iphone,ipad,macbook and lastly my gaming computer but still cant login. It says error connecting to server its like something is blocking my runescape connection. But if i login to my account with a different internet for example my 4G it will work but i won't play like that because nigga i will end up paying 500 dollars end of the month. 

Help i wanna get back to this shit and own

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That's weird, never heard of anything like that. Have you tried contacting them through twitter/reddit? that seems to be their main priority so i'd give that a try if you haven't already. Hope you get this sorted soon bro

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Seems like u have been ip banned or something 😂

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This is one weird problem...

I'd suggest giving your ethernet provider a call and ask them what is going on... I'n many cases, a new router can fix a lot of issues.

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did you try any of those (free) vpn's out there? if that works they must've flagged your ip indeed...

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Check the net. 

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heya buddy! @9GAG

some things you coulda try!

  • Call your ISP either ask for dynamic IP if you havent got that already
  • do a MAC swoof ( lemme know if you need help with this!)
  • try using a Proxy / VPN 


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tweet the jagex support, theyre rlly helpful on twitter

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7 hours ago, Ghettosoturi said:

Seems like u have been ip banned or something 😂


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@Sybren basically i can play runescape with a VPN and i dont still understand why i cant play osrs with my own internet. Btw i bought new router with new ip adress and fresh mac adress but still nothing. I am legit so close to watch anime porn because im so mad. ( i hate anime ) 

To all

I tried to contact them through reddit and twitter but they're gay as fuck and doesnt respond. I might just buy a VPN forever to play i guess .-.-.

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