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Resurgence gets bent over by the King

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Wen't staking started off not well decided to go big won the 1b then won 6 100ms in a row.

Then decided to have a dm tourny with brine sabre ,d2h or seecrul bow and d2h . the Prize dragon claws!!!!!

only Sickness and Vers came so it was ultimately between them best 2/3.

rules for dm:

-brine sabre main weapon

-d longsword for k0 wep cannot camp it 

-monk robes party hat and wooden shield with any gloves and climbing boots

#This is why im veng

*Sickness won Claws*







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Godd shittt boysss, i just keep missing out on all ur dps, and shit @Trae😂😂

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ayy nice work, gz sickness

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nice wins again shit..

stop doing those give aways etc at est timezones :(

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At this rate you’ll be able to afford everything 

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@Trae I'm going to have to make a topic about all your winnings some day. You are one hell of a lucky guy! I LOVE the fun DM you created for this to win the dclaws as well, WAY BETTER than regular drop parties!

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damn, would of gotten me rigour haha. but gz sickness

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