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I'm so torn

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Having both a big boy zerk and maxed range tank I'd strongly recommend a Med Build, especially since you don't have a main. Meds give you access to everything in the game possible and gives you access to the full combat triangle.

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I think i'm going to stay 60 attack zerk and eventually transition to a med later down the line.  I really appreciate all the response!

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I swear i'm coming to a different conclusion every 3-4 hours lol.  Just going to get 99 range and magic and all of my quests done before I make a decision.

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Be both a range tank and a med, 99 def 60 att 88 str ;)

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Tanks are solid for clan pking and solo pking, the pvm is very limited on them, they can do basic pvm bosses such as gwd/slayer bosses but are limited badly in both version fo raids, unless you're also in a pvm clan who don't mind you being range/mage only then tanks are superior accounts in my eyes.

Zerkers/meds allows access to all pvm bosses although you will get hit much more than a tank, both accounts are really good for clan/solo pking as well. Either account can have solid money makers in Vorkath once you have dragon slayer 2 completed tbh, consistent gp p/h which means you will never be poor once you unlock that quest :) hope you can decide soon as I know myself how much of a pain it is to swap between accounts (I have 8 accounts or something silly like that)

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like most people are saying i'd personally go with the med build if it is going to be your only account, the versatility is awesome, i myself just recently transitioned my acc from a zerk to a med build and have not regretted it one bit.... the dps is comparable to a full maxed zerk and you get an additional 25-30 def levels with only 1-2 cb lvls over a zerk when fully maxed, 107 vs 108 or 109 depending on 70 or 75 def. Then you add in the fact that most pvm content will be a lot easier with the addition def levels...

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Own all 3 and I'd say med is best if it's your only account. High damage output and reasonable defence, it's also the most ideal for singles.


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