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Reasons not to TB.

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Solution to the problem, speak up if you want a split and you are tbing. If you do not say anything the fault lands on the tber.

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I’ve never had a problem with someone not splitting with the tber. Also I’m not broke lol just pointing out some reasons I thought it’s a pain in the ass. Personally I would think more but only having 40 defense makes it a bitch tanking and what not.

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I tb every time we go to revs, I don’t usually ask for loot unless its something considerable. That’s just me though, I’m not exactly hurting for money and doesnt really matter to me either way. I’m just out to have fun : )

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Being a clan or a multi/singles team is all about being a team.


If you want kills below 30 wild you will need to have tbers. It's all about team effort. 


I for one do not tb. I am not opposed to splitting, however, I wait for the tb'er to request his loot which is what I assume the others do as well. Its not begging, it is well deserved loot, you shouldn't feel shitty asking for what is yours. I wont trade you after every kill, since that slows down the action/acquisition of further loot, but a tber should ask for splits at the end of each big world hop, or go bank when the others do and take splits then. Quite often we pk until people are getting off for the night, and as soon as they log out you cant really get your split, and if the tber gets off first without requesting loots it falls more onto him. Just request your splits frequently, but not excessively. No one will complain or think less of the tber.


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just bring fire surge with you and get some kills.

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Very good topic mate, im sure a a lot of tbers think the same thing, you're definitely entitled to a split. (Share i tbed :P)

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If your tbing take heavy balista and you will get plenty of kills :P

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It’s like others have said above, ask for the splits and 9 times out 10 you’ll receive a split of some sort. TBer is a massive part of team, just like freezers and DPSers too! Everyone needs to work together for us to achieve kills and clear people easily.


PS.. if anyone needs a TBer for anything, hit me up ????

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I don't know how far from the standard I am, but me and my mates consistently split evenly at the end of the trip. In my unprofessional opinion, you shouldn't be asking for something you deserve. It feels much better when other people attend for your needs. 

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Good to know I was wondering about that. Good to hear yalls thoughts

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I would just ask if you need the GP. 

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