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Reasons not to TB.

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Anyway I was thinking today about a few of the trips I’ve attended and I’ve noticed a lot of N Rangers. Not really a big deal because we got tons of kills and had a few tbers but I started to think about reasons I hate tbing. Obviously the main reason is because tbers have a less chance of getting the kill and usually don’t want to sound needy or whatever asking for a split. Me being new to the spot, I personally feel like I don’t want to come off as a beggar or whatever so asking do a split on a tb would never really happen. I’d love to hear some other reasons why you’d personally rather not be chuckin TBs or why (idk who lol) feels like they would rather be then tber!

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I wouldnt mind saying something if I tb'd and then got a big +1 pk


thats not begging, thats money due to you! collects your money bro bro

Edited by Joseph

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tbing sucks, A trip of 10+ rly only needs 2, i'd rather have the dps to clear teams than have 5 tbers and we get cleared on matched ops.

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If ur short on money pipe up brother, just say u needsplits and i promise that everyone will split with you.

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Being a clan or a multi/singles team is all about being a team.


If you want kills below 30 wild you will need to have tbers. It's all about team effort. 


So if you choose to pk below 30 the tber will get 25% of every kill made that he tbed. That's how we did back in the days. If the kill is not that great it's useless to ask for a split anyways in my opinion. 


If i see a topic with the name reasons not to tb makes me sad, as a clan or team you need to motivate tbing by rewarding them and complimenting them! Work as a team and a shitty job should pay well (example: Plumber) Don't hesitate to ask for splits!

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Being a clan or a multi/singles team is all about being a team.


If you want kills below 30 wild you will need to have tbers. It's all about team effort. 


I for one do not tb. I am not opposed to splitting, however, I wait for the tb'er to request his loot which is what I assume the others do as well. Its not begging, it is well deserved loot, you shouldn't feel shitty asking for what is yours. I wont trade you after every kill, since that slows down the action/acquisition of further loot, but a tber should ask for splits at the end of each big world hop, or go bank when the others do and take splits then. Quite often we pk until people are getting off for the night, and as soon as they log out you cant really get your split, and if the tber gets off first without requesting loots it falls more onto him. Just request your splits frequently, but not excessively. No one will complain or think less of the tber.

Edited by Trouserdevil

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feels like it's much easier to just range melee

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feels like it's much easier to just range melee


offcourse it's easyer. Being a tber isn't easy at all.. a tber is the first one to get hit and needs to be fast and accur. :P

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honestly, IDGAF - if I'm tbing, I speak the fuck up and ask for splits - not on every kill, but if I'm going dry on getting anything for a little, then usually people will be willing to split as in maybe give you 50-150k off a loot depending on size of what they get...


If they refuse, simply be blunt and tell em, you can hop on tb yourself, I'm switching off so I can get some loot of my own since nobody shares and everyone knows tbers don't get too much dps to get loots for themselves but without tbers nobody really gets loot. Like EVER, so people generally will split a little tb tax for your tbs.


P.S: Usually they will share.  ;)

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It is the TB'ers job to speak up upon kills, and ask for a split. Otherwise people just assume you're fine. I like the idea of sharing about 25% of the loot, and I know that people in the clan are more than willing to do that, as it is basically TB'ers who ensure the kills in the first place.

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