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Anti-pking at black chins, 1m+ an hr

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pro tip for this old ass post: do it on pvp/bh worlds so teams can't tag team you

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Another tip: if you have the magic level for vengeance, you can use the "hunter kit" spell (71 magic).  The spell uses earth runes and astral runes, so if you are using veng, you already have the runes.  Drop some of your items on the ground, cast the spell, set-up a box trap, and drop the excess items, then repeat.  By using the spell you don't have to sacrifice 5+ inventory spaces to box traps, which is useful if you end up getting tb'd.

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I made a low-level dark bow pure to kill the lower level chin hunters a few weeks ago. It's even better now that imp boxes can't be used to quickly bank so the loot has been going up. 

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I was hunting black *sallies* for 70 hunter the other day and i anti pked a few absolute retards there, i cannot believe some noobs actually try to pk there lol

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Nice write up!

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