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D Spear or D Scim?

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Yes thanks med build are #1

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a 60 att build should always spear.

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Big boy zerks scim other then that every1 else should spear.

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damn this was well made

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Ty for the informative post. Good read, and an even better tl;dr. Very surprised about how durable a med is.


A couple of comments though, it appears that you are using supercb as the def potion of choice, but everyone brings brews, which boost 2 more def levels at 99 def, 1 more at 75 and 70 def, but boosts the same as supercb for 45 def. I would think most people will sip a brew before someone scims them, with the only time that wouldnt happen being a scim right as the person was piled.

Second, I am seeing more tanks bringing granite top as a switch rather than the dhide top, it would be interesting to see the comparison between dhide top and granite top in terms when tanking. IE what ratio of mages to nonmages have to be there to warrant using dhide top

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Big boy zerks scim other then that every1 else should spear.



So zerks who want to be the guy everyone likes cause he hits scim specs, train up

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thanks! I really needed to see this.

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Guest LilRyan

Really nice to see the actual numbers typed out. I wasn't aware of a good amount of the info, but the conclusion seems to be what I thought.

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Incredibly well done, very nice mate, cheers for this

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Fuck you and your math damn that explains a lot though

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