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Longest Grind Complete.

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aye grats mate!

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11/15/16 ---> I plotted to kill goldman for my 99def, informed fremmy of the plan.

11/16/16 --11:00EST--> I told @@Caregan in the morning to be on so we can fuck goldman for my 99def

11/16/16 --6:00--> 2minutes before the event @@goldmansachz messages me "Lets bs @@Fremnik for the 99def"

11/16/16 --6:01-->Caregan messages me "goldman is saying to bs fremmy? what do we do!?"

11/16/16 --6:01-->I tell caregan to kill rush goldman.

11/16/16 --6:02--> Caregan say no lets bs Fremmy.

11/16/16 --6:02--> Fremmy is cunning as a fucking fox knew they were goign to bs him, changed his quick prayers and waited for zewy to auto attack him before activating quick prays, ate a 60 ags from goldmans snake ass, and successfully survived a dbow ags and rune crossbow in a matter of seconds because he's so steamy sexy hot 

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Holy sht... That was quick as fuck :o 


Congratz man! I haven't been able to grind much in the past couple of days. Hoping I will be in the next :D

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Fucking brutal bro. GZ!

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