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Ok so here's the gist. App+

Everyone comment below if you want in, I will be making a seeding for the tournament and the cash prize is a free fx/signature +1m prize + whatever the pot that is donated.
You want to make a paint picture that has comedic value and involves the person you're paired with.
The rules are:
1) One Paint per matchup no double entries.
2) Nothing overly sexual/explicit.
Winners of each round will be determined by an unseen panel of hipster judges. The judges may not participate.
Let's see where this goes.

Edit: See a sample below in the comments where I slayed will and made him question his whole life :kappa:

The official cutoff for entries will be Saturday night 29/10/16 or if you're not a communist 10/29/16.

Then starting sunday the match ups will be set and one of the painters will be randomly chosen to go first and will make a separate post under this forum section where they will tag and annihilate their opponent, and they get one opportunity to fire back.


The judges myself and 4 others I will have personally recruited (TBA) will rate the paint pictures and the lowest average loses, winner moves on to the next round.



Current Entries: @@-CarnivoR @@Zurich @@Wutang @@int 0x80 @@NoPrayZone @@Grabbin @@Zewy @


For all the marbles.

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I'm in lmao you know how I am with these paints time to win this shit

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count me innnn

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Sounds fun but i can't paint cuz i suck :(

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int 0x80

Lmao I'm in match me w/ Carni tho so I can savage him

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Fuck @@Wutang I can't stop coming across your signature and becoming mesmerized

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Fuck @@Wutang I can't stop coming across your signature and becoming mesmerized

Will!!! Think of your wife!! Smh they just don't make men like they used to B)

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Fuck @@Wutang I can't stop coming across your signature and becoming mesmerized


Will!!! Think of your wife!! Smh they just don't make men like they used to B)


Confirmed your girlfriend wrote that reply @@Fremnik

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Fuck @@Wutang I can't stop coming across your signature and becoming mesmerized

Will!!! Think of your wife!! Smh they just don't make men like they used to B)



Confirmed your girlfriend wrote that reply @@Fremnik



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Gratz retard, you just won your own competition. @@Fremnik

Why do I have three testicles btw? Is my dick like the kbd?

Edited by NoPrayZone

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Gratz retard, you just won your own competition. @@Fremnik

Why do I have three testicles btw? Is my dick like the kbd?

Its a rare testicular mutation from achieving a KBD pet

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