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Should I get prayer levels???

Should I level prayer or stay 16?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I level up prayer?

    • No, stay 16 prayer. Maxed 89 combat
    • Get 22 prayer. Maxed 90 combat
    • Get 26 Prayer. Maxed 90 combat
    • Get 31 prayer. Maxed 91 combat

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My only thinking is it I would kind of like protect item and I would like void for pking or zulrah. Let me know what you guys think!


Currently with 16 prayer I have better stats then zerkers 4-5 combat levels above me. Idk, just thinking out loud! 

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Idk man... i go back and forth with the decision.


I hate how you get banged but your acc is so sick..


maybe get 31?


yes get 31

Edited by Joseph

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get 31 pray, you can take +1's for edge pvp/pking and you get higher max hits with super str all for barely 1 cmb lvl

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Meh if anything 31. 


44 prayer is really nice for clan pking though. 


All up to you tbh

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int 0x80

Where the fuck is 99 prayer

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i say 31 pray, but 31 pray zerk aint nearly as sick as 16 pray zerk

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i say 31 pray, but 31 pray zerk aint nearly as sick as 16 pray zerk

yeah, that is my opinion currently. I might change it in the future idk. I like the idea of 22/26 though. I'm not a fan of 31 at all

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There's always going to be a moment when you're unsure, but if you're unsure about it, then it might be the wrong decision.  Stick to your roots.


I did see you mention 22-26 Prayer in a post.  Just do what you feel is right for you.


I know it's common to jump to possible conclusions after you've asked for someone else's advice for your account, but remember...  the account is YOURS.  It's your choice, and no one else's.  


If it feels right, go with your gut.  Trust your instincts. 


You will always be a beast in my eyes, 16 Pray, no matter what you decide to do...  


 We love you!   :)




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Meh if anything 31. 


44 prayer is really nice for clan pking though. 


All up to you tbh

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I always had 31 on my pure, not sure about zerker.


it's up to you really.

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I Sam I

stay 16 :D

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