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supid mistakes I made when i was younger

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This sounds like when I scammed a random for full dragon (d chain etc) then fell asleep in it all at dagganoths n died. gg.


if that's not karma idk what is LOL! What did you say to him to scam him dragon?


I was a girl n said id be his gf n he just traded me it lmao didnt even ask

Desperate ass virgins XD lmao I tried to pretend to be a girl for pixels it never worked :/

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Back before eoc I just bought an ags and was lured into multi to kill a guy he let me kill him and I picked up his shield I think it was spirit shield but at the time it protected over ags and I was Instantly tbed and hit by a team and the shield protected over my ags I didn't even have it for an hour before I lost it!

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oh and i fell for the  "I'll trim your armor" trick :( I was so noob lmao the guy was like trade me your black armor & 3 gold bars. He told me it was a members' only feature. But 10 minutes after he scammed me, someone dropped 2 full sets of mith in the bank so I looted that & kept going :D 

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I never really got scammed or anything back in the day. it was all about price manips and item swapping for me and my brother haha. 
selling a blue phat @312M and then buying em back for 54M.. The days, the life! I wanna be 14 again haha

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Tw0 Bit matt

i got lured once for like, 200k... ouch

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Simply Own3d

Got annoyed by all the non-skullers back in like 2012 and wanted to show them how annoying it is. Took Full Arma out, accidentally skulled, died. Took about 2 minutes.

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Veng Speeeed

i remember saving up 3.1m for a whip back when they was 3.5m standing outside fally bank in w2 for hours spamming buying whip for 3.1m and some guy pms  me like my mate will sell you one hes just under fally so ofc i obliged he gave me tinderbox and candle and spade and told me to dig underground so i did and then said give him the candle back so i did and then died int he mole cave for my stack lmfao

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Lol, that sucked hard i bet. :P

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