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Vengeances First Monthly Promotions/Updates

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Today our Leadership had our first monthly discussion on everything (literally) about Vengeance.

To cover all topics we discussed today I will just go right down the list. Promotions are available for everyone to see in this post, and I want to say if you weren't picked, don't be discouraged! There is always next month, so keep training, be active and you'll rank up in no time!



@@Rolls Together as Leadership today, we decided that Rolls having a vast knowledge of the wilderness, and PKing/Preps in general would be a perfect fit. So he has been promoted from Council to Warlord.



@@under constr Collectively as Leadership we've decided to promote Under to our Council rank. We all agreed he's a great asset to the clan and he's an all around good person for the position. He's showed his experience in the wilderness, as well as activity on forums, teamspeak, and clan-chat all together.




The following list of people have all been outstandingly active in-game, forums and or teamspeak.

We all went through each and every person individually and picked the people we thought were

most worthy of our monthly promotions. 


@z erker



@@Berserk Pure





@@never smite





@@Hybrid cl0wn

@@Void Tank







Congratulations to all, we're very proud of the progression of this clan.




On another note; we do want to keep the clan all on the same page with changes in the clan.

@@Tisks is a great member of this clan, and was a Warlord. Today we have all decided that due to his timezone differences with work and everything, that he should step down as Warlord to Elite Member until his schedule and everything allows him to fulfill the duties of Warlord. This is not any sort of negative action towards him, just for the convenience of the clan.




Today along with promotions, we also did a cleanse of our memberlist. Everyone who we unanimously decided aren't up to par with what we expect of a Vengeance Member were changed from Member Rank- to Guest Rank. Anyone who was demoted, if you feel this was wrongly changed, please contact a Rank and we'll discuss the terms of our decision.



To continue making Vengeance a better stronger clan, we are going to start doing open Tank Tests multiple times a week, either for applicants as a part of their process of joining Vengeance, or to just come and get some extra practice in! I strongly advise taking advantage of this if you wish to do so, not only to benefit yourself and show your dedication and determination to be great, but to make us stronger as a whole clan.




We have decided to implement a strict policy of no multi-clanning. The reason we're so adamant about this is we want members who are dedicated towards Vengeance, and Vengeance alone.

We run into the situation where members of our clan, and another clan are getting into fights and we don't want to put any member in a situation where they feel uncomfortable. Contact a Rank if you need to discuss this.




Until now we've been open to having potential members, and friends of the clan come on PK trips with us. As we continue to grow we've decided that from now on ONLY Applicant Rank or higher can attend Official or UnOfficial PK trips. This is not only a precaution we're taking to prevent leaks in our clan, but mainly to encourage people to apply for our clan and promote overall clan activity.




Lastly, to make sure everyone is in compliance with the rules of Vengeance we are implementing a strike system. Simple as it sounds, 3 strikes and you're out. It's a list we've made as Leadership that we all can add to, to make sure everyone is on the same page. With each strike, we'll personally talk to you about why you received a strike, and how to prevent it in the future. For example if PK callers are saying spear and you're clearing bolting and running in for a DDS spec, you'll receive a strike.

We're doing this just to make sure everyone in Vengeance is on the same page and we're all living (and killing) as a close unit.




Congrats again to everyone, lets have another kick ass month as the #1 Zerker/Tank clan in RS!

Edited by Tyy

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good stuff

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Great changes that are all good for the clan, GJ on the decisions gents.


In other news, TY for the promotion  :wub:



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Natte Poes

Gz lads <3

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congrats to everyone that got the ranks up!!!! love my vengeance fam!!!!!!!!!! 

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great changes, congrats to everyone

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Void Tank

good shit congratz ppl that got promoted

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congrats fellas!

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Gratz on ranks guys!

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Congratulations on the promotions!

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Congratulations to everyone with their new ranks. Continue to rep the clan :)

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