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attack levels for zerkers

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I am currently a 60 atk zerk and have been the whole time, i like being 60 atk but i am going to get 75 here after i get 99 range! What i have been told and agree with is after 90 cb is when it is worth it to get 75. With that being said it kinda depends what you like to do most. If you like bh and just go mutli here and there then probs stay 60 if you like it. If you live for multi then get 75 hits more often on def. Also 75 is fun for inners cuz it is awesome to have sotd, ags, its awesome! Just my 2 cents 

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i have 75 on my zero but I'm gonna go for 99

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Idk I've always enjoyed having high atk, on every zerker I've ever made I stuck with 60 atk for a while, pked a bit, then stuck at 75 for a bit, then went on towards 99, and honestly high atk hits hard af on dhers or pretty much anything, and you get sick hero specs pretty much all the time, I enjoy it a lot and get tons of kills in both p2p/f2p, only slight downside is being a little bit higher cb then most members of the clan, but it is what it is, imo I'd try out 75 for a while, and hey, you ever get bored you can go on towards 85+ 

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yeah i'm kinda tired of 60 att

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i was 61 for ever (was pure before going zerk) 
got sick of dying to ags specs tho so decided to join them lmao, best choice ive made so far! dwh is shit

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OMG A Ghost

its really up to your style tbh. Stay 60 att if you are a low lvl zerk imo then when you get around 88+cmb get 75. only get 99 if you plan on just clanning 

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I prefer 60 attack from the rest,pkings alot funnier an you run into alot less 70 def an  1 tickers.

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I really enjoy 60 attack builds. But, it really depends on what you want to do with your account.. edge build, clan build, deep wild build..I vote 75 attack imo <3

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61 atk squaa

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