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Veng Russ


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Veng Russ

yeah man jad cant switch

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on my acc i was 72range using x bow and blessed d hide when i got my f cape. Took me 4 attempts before i got it down. just takes time and experience in my opinon. Biggest tip i can give is to watch a guide on youtube (mr mammals worked perfect) & calm down when you get to jad, you actually have plenty of time to prayer switch when you just breathe. Good luck dude! 

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I will do it for you for free ! 

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East Of Eden

i did it with blowpipe

but you can do either way its just a matter of the prayer switches

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Dr Carson

Blowpipe has quite low range per tile might want to consider xbow when fighting jad and luring healers

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Blowpipe makes every wave before Jad go ridiculously fast. The healing spec was also a massive bonus for me (45 def)


Jad itself is more of a struggle with BP because of the short range it can fire. Make sure to position yourself well enough @jad to be able to reach the healers. Stay calm, learn the sound of the magic attack, switch prayers, stop trembling and you'll be fine :P 

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99 Defence

Ive always liked using tank legs helm, d hide body, tank shield and a rune crossbow with rune bolts, but blowpipe is nice because it has a healing spec, so that would make you safer, just gotta be careful that you dont go in melee range of the 360s when your going for the level 90s etc, blowpipe made me fail on my pure twice on like wave 55 or w.e double 90s on lol

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got to chill

If you're not used to caves/jad stick with the safe option which would be the cbow / book. Karils bow is also really good and has a longer range which makes the caves even easier (luring)

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C h o p Suey

use void and blowpipe, make sure you have a good brews to restores ratio. Void and blowpipe is also good because you can get through it all in less than an hour, and adjust invent accordingly if you didn't have enough brews or restores. I used addy darts and worked very well. Also switch to accurate when using BP spec. Wear archers ring too if you can, also rangers obv.

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