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Euros 2021

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portugal or france are biggest favorites for sure.

I still hope best for croatia 

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35 minutes ago, Akrr said:

portugal or france are biggest favorites for sure.

I still hope best for croatia 

would be nice for croatia tbh, vindication from 2018

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lets hope for Belgium. if not France

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7 minutes ago, syckness said:

lets hope for Belgium. if not France

i can share that hope tbh, not really believing that sweden will go far

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Scotland to play Germany in the finals and Scotland to win

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1 hour ago, Hanny said:

Scotland to play Germany in the finals and Scotland to win

i gotta stop you right there brother

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6 hours ago, Ghettosoturi said:

San marino

Shurrup turd boy

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6 hours ago, smished said:

Shurrup turd boy

Chill, ill give you my autograph just relax

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On 02/06/2021 at 5:28 PM, Hanny said:

Scotland to play Germany in the finals and Scotland to win

said no one ever

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Wales will nail it this year

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