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Can Meds do 100% of content

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Hello everyone, IGN Bean Dip here and i recently sold my maxed main because it just was so boring to me. The vibes off the zerk/med/tank mixture of accounts just seems good to me.

My question is can 60/75 atk 70/75 def meds do all the content mains can do?

current stats:


70Def/77Pray (getting there, will max for sure)

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Yes, for the most part meds are able to do everything a main could.  One of the main limitations of course are the atk/def deficiencies compared to mains & the inability to use weaponry that trains controlled ie whip/lance/spears etc etc

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All content is accessible as long as you quest fully on the way to your stats.

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Mostly, depends on the content more specifically. Also if jafex does the attack req changes that will change some of it as well

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Currently, yes.

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32 minutes ago, Milky said:

Currently, yes.


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12 hours ago, Brandon said:

Yes, for the most part meds are able to do everything a main could.  One of the main limitations of course are the atk/def deficiencies compared to mains & the inability to use weaponry that trains controlled ie whip/lance/spears etc etc


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yes man and its more interesting as well ut need most likely high tier weps, unfortunately they have planned some stupid update to balance weps.

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I've done everything on my med. Even got like 20kc on my tank + med at Corp. Some things just take longer, but it will make you a better player relying on skills moreso than stats/gear.

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You can't use a whip or lance or zamorakian spear. But these items are replaceable. You can use an abyssal dagger with avernic defender at cox or a blade of saeldor/rapier. At corporeal beast you can use magic instead of a zamorakian spear, even for duo. Dragon ruby bolts (e) and later when its lower health dragon diamond bolts(e) work fine aswell, but thats not for duo. 

The only thing a 77 prayer maxed med can't complete is the elite tier of the desert diary. 

I am bossing at kree'arra with a friend with 75 def and it goes very well, I do not feel the need for 99 defence even there.


Edited by MrReinier

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