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NMZ Guide AFK training

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1. Introduction

Nightmare Zone (NMZ) is a combat based mini-game, in which players enter a "dream" to take on bosses they have previously defeated during completed quests. This mini-game has become one of the best methods to train combat skills, due to the constant appearance of aggressive monsters and the existence of absorption potions (potions that allow a certain amount of damage to be absorbed, thus not affecting the life points).

These same components allow us to turn this mini-game into a fully AFK form of combat training, allowing us not to have to click for 20 minutes, being this the focus of this guide. Thus, this guide is focused getting the maximum combat experience in a totally AFK way, not in maximizing xp nor maximizing the points gained in NMZ. 

2. Requirements
2.1 Stat Requirements
Base 60 in combat stats is highly recommended

2.2 Quest Requirements

The following quests are required in order to access to the quest monsters that we use in this guide:

The Ascent of Arceuus
Vampyre Slayer
The Depths of Despair
What Lies Below
Mountain Daughter

2. Strategy

The main idea of this method is to select the 5 lowest level bosses, avoiding those that can reduce our combat stats (e.g. Corsair Traitor) or poison us (Corrupt Lizardman). In this way we attack bosses with low defense, increasing our damage, and with low attack, decreasing the damage they can do to us. Hence the beauty of this method and what makes it so AFK.
Note: Bosses that attack at distance are not convenient, since we lose experience reaching them.

To do so we will select Customisable Normal Rumble Game mode, and we will ONLY select the following bosses:

1 - Trapped Soul
2 - Count Draynor
3 - Sand Snake
4 - King Roald
5 - The Kendal

Once a NMZ game has been created and you have entered there, position yourself in the middle of the area.


3. Equipment and Inventory
3.1 Melee


Recommended equipment from most effective to least effective. 

Obsidian set +  Toktz-xil-ak + berserker necklace is a great and affordable option since obsidian set provides a 10% boost in melee accuracy and melee strength, while Berserker necklace increases the amount of damage the wearer does when wielding an obsidian melee weapon by 20%.

Head_slot.png?b0c39 Neitiznot faceguard Obsidian helmet Berserker helm
Neck_slot.png?5b85d Amulet of torture Berserker necklace Amulet of fury / Amulet of glory
Cape_slot.png?2cf1e Infernal cape Fire cape Cape of Accomplishment / Ardougne cloak 4 
Body_slot.png?5e649 Bandos chestplate Obsidian platebody Fighter torso
Legs_slot.png?d132b Bandos tassets Obsidian platelegs Dragon platelegs / Dragon plateskirt / Rune platelegs (zerkers)
Weapon_slot.png?ffed1 Ghrazi rapier Toktz-xil-ak Abyssal dagger / Dragon scimitar
Shield_slot.png?595b4 Avernic defender Dragon defender Rune defender / Dragonfire shield / Toktz-ket-xil
Hands_slot.png?7e1b5 Ferocious gloves Barrows gloves Combat bracelet
Feet_slot.png?93de2 Primordial boots Dragon boots Rune boots
Ring_slot.png?37dd8 Berserker ring (i) Brimstone ring Granite Ring


Ideal inventory should be composed of 4 - 6 supercombat potions (4), location orb or dwarven rock cake and the rest absortion potions (4).

Why supercombats and not overloads?  Overloads are not optimal for intensive AFK (except if AFKing for shorter periods ~5 mins), since their effect only lasts fot 5 minutes.


XP per hour
Max melee equipment: between 75 - 100k xp per hour depending on your stats.
Obsidian equipment: between 65 - 92k xp per hour depending on your stats.

3.2 Ranged


Elite void can be substituted by normal void

Head_slot.png?b0c39 Armadyl helmet Void ranger helm Helm of neitiznot / archer helm
Neck_slot.png?5b85d Necklace of anguish Amulet of fury Amulet of glory
Cape_slot.png?2cf1e Ava's assembler Ava's accumulator N/A
Body_slot.png?5e649 Armadyl chestplate Elite void top Black d'hide body
Legs_slot.png?d132b Armadyl chainskirt Elite void robe Black d'hide chaps
Weapon_slot.png?ffed1 Toxic blowpipe Magic shortbow (i) N/A
Shield_slot.png?595b4 Twisted buckler N/A N/A
Hands_slot.png?7e1b5 Barrows gloves Void knight gloves Black d'hide vambraces
Feet_slot.png?93de2 Pegasian boots Ranger boots Blessed boots
Ring_slot.png?37dd8 Archers ring (i) Brimstone ring Granite Ring


Ideal inventory should be composed of 4 - 6 super ranging potions, locator orb or dwarven rock cake and the rest absortions. For those with defence levels equal or lower than 60, 2 - 3 super defence potions are recommended. 

Why supercombats and not overloads? Overloads are not optimal for intensive AFK (except if AFKing for shorter periods ~5 mins), since their effect only lasts fot 5 minutes.

XP per hour
Max rang equipment: between 60 - 90k xp per hour depending on your stats and darts used.
Void/black dhide + msb (i): between 45 - 75k xp per hour depending on your stats and arrows used. Rune recommended due to being cost-effective (with rune expect between 45 - 63k xp/h)

4. Refreshing Pots
Once you are all set up, and you have already started your nightmare zone game, drink 4-6 doses of absortion and 1 dose of supercombat/super rang. pot and use your locator orb/dwarven cake in order to leave your HP to 1. You will have to do the same every 17 - 20 minutes.

Note: Zerkers may have to consume 7 - 8 absortion doses every 20 minutes.
First time that you try this method, try to estimate how many absortion doses you need to consume to last 20 mins without taking damage. This will depend on your stats, but usually you will require 200-250 absortion points while training melee and 250-300 absortion points while training ranged (every 20 minutes).

5. Maximizing AFKness

The AFK experience can be maximized by using a remote control tool such as TeamViewer or Google Remote Desktop in order to refresh the potions. In this way, you can leave your account training in NMZ while you do the groceries or you workout in the gym. 

6. FAQ

1 - Why 20 minutes AFK? After 20 mins AFK, auto-retaliate stops working. Thus interaction with the game is required.
2 - What is the point locator orb or dwarven rock cake? Both items are able to reduce player hitpoints. The idea is to reach 1 HP, so the damage is capped at 1 (current HP). This means that absortion points will last longer.
3 - Why should I stay in the middle? It is the best point in terms of the time that it takes to respawned bosses to come to you. In this way as you kill bosses, the ones that have respawned will be very close and you won't lose xp waiting for them to come next to you.
4 - Why should I avoid bosses that use ranged or magic? They attack from a certain distance, which may lead your character to run to them. Losing xp while runing to them.
5 - Is there any website in which I can see NMZ bosses and their stats? https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Nightmare_Zone#Bosses
6 - Did I correctly read 20 mins? Yes, you did. You are only fighting 5 bosses: trapped soul, count draynor, sand snake, king roald, and The Kendal with cb levels 30, 34, 36, 47 and 70 and max hit 4, 3, 3, 6, 9, respectively, and all of them with pretty low accuracy. They are the easiest bosses you can fight, this is what makes this method so AFKable without the need of full Justiciar.

7. To Do
1 - Add magic training section

Credits to Old School Runescape Wiki for some of the recommended equipments and recommended inventories.

Edited by Drethavent
Added another FAQ point

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good guide but u cant afk 20mins without clicking in nightmare with these gear setups

for 19 mins zeor clicks u wanna do full justicar, fury dfs


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2 hours ago, Akrr said:

good guide but u cant afk 20mins without clicking in nightmare with these gear setups

for 19 mins zeor clicks u wanna do full justicar, fury dfs


That would be correct with other strategies, but NOT with this specific strategy.

This is the whole point of choosing customizable Customisable Normal Rumble selecting only the 5 lowest bosses (excluding bosses that inflict poison or can lower stats).

Doing this, we fight 5 bosses: trapped soul, count draynor, sand snake, king roald, and The Kendal with cb levels 30, 34, 36, 47 and 70 and max hit 4, 3, 3, 6, 9, respectively (and all of them with pretty low accuracy).

Furthermore, it is pretty likely that they get killed in an average of 3 hits at most (except The Kendal, which may take 5), due to their low defence.

So for someone with 60 def and obsidian set, 250 absortion points should be more than enough for 17-20 mins. 

Full justiciar is only needed in harder instances, in which defence + def bonuses truly play an important role.

Edited by Drethavent

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thanks kanye! very cool!

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Very nice guide! Thanks for sharing

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Thank u

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gonna use this when training my main

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Its gonna be a long grind to max main but made it easier for me

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Very nice guide! helped me so much when training combat

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Great guide, thank you!

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