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2 weeks into my zerk clanning account

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Today marks the first two weeks since the creation of my zerk!

Its not much by any means, but i just wanted to share my progress to look back to one day and for those interested in my lil project for veng :]

Plans short terms are bgloves/mm2 caves unlocked.

Long term would probably be 99att 45 def with all of the QoL benefits unlocked (99 pray, fremmy elites, elite void, maxed house, maybe even infernal(?)) and be cwa ready.

These last 2 weeks were super busy for me both on rs and irl, but the upcoming few weeks are gonna be huge for the account as i can put 10+hour days into rs for a few weeks. 


Expect an update when my bond runs out again if people are interested dealwithitgoose3.gif


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Not sure how many 99 prayer zerks there are. Lookin good though. Keep it up

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keep up the hard work man zerk #1 master race

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Good shit man! Hope you have the motivation to work on it that I seem to be missing right now ;) 

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good shit man! i like seeing those! keep it up! i'm sure ill follow you trough this

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Great progress man. I think you should aim for 109 combat, which may mean a compromise on your prayer. It's a bit of a distance for you right now so you have plenty of time to consider. Good luck! 

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51 minutes ago, Liberty said:

Great progress man. I think you should aim for 109 combat, which may mean a compromise on your prayer. It's a bit of a distance for you right now so you have plenty of time to consider. Good luck! 

is there a reasoning with 109cb? im down to stay a lower prayer i just assumed 99 pray/att was meta for zerks to compete w/ meds.

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good stuff my guy keep training up!

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27 minutes ago, paia said:

is there a reasoning with 109cb? im down to stay a lower prayer i just assumed 99 pray/att was meta for zerks to compete w/ meds.

you'll blend in with the maxed med accounts. if you go 99 pray, you'll end up being 112 combat. so they still know your a maxed zerk 

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1 hour ago, syckness said:

you'll blend in with the maxed med accounts. if you go 99 pray, you'll end up being 112 combat. so they still know your a maxed zerk 

i see, ty for the insight i'll definitely stop at 109 in that case.

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2 hours ago, paia said:

is there a reasoning with 109cb? im down to stay a lower prayer i just assumed 99 pray/att was meta for zerks to compete w/ meds.

Max med is 109 combat so you will blend in to the fall in without it being instantly obviously that you're a zerk. Maybe it's down to personal preference, though I doubt 22 more prayer levels would influence the way you play. You can max combat stats as zerk with 77 prayer for 109 combat. I'd rather keep my 3 combat levels and stay at 109 instead of 112. If i'm getting smited at 77 prayer i probably need to rethink my own level of ability. :D


Edited by Liberty

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