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I am OneToMaul

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Hey, it's me


I joined the forums recently and saw these amazing progress posts, it made me want to do the same with my current project.


The Idea

So the idea is as follows: a low lvl 50 atk piety pure. Basically an overpowered rusher.
In order to keep my cb low, I utulised a lower hp lvl and optimal cb lvl calculations.
I think I got it pretty on point..



Starting Out

Starting out this project I already had myself a decent 1 atk pure.


(1 atk)(95 str)(60 def)(31 pray)(58 range&mage)(84 hp)(70 cb)

(I recently switched from laptop to pc so no pics sorry!)




So after grinding for approximately 9 months now, this is were I stand. Most of it has been cannoning ogres...


ab70e5458c618e68d419c1aa6bb8535e.png   d035d137f772a78b1bd96236d03d2894.png




Goals & Achievements

(50/50) Attack
(95/95) Strength
(70/70) Defence

(96/97) Range
(70/70) Prayer
(71/97) Magic
(86/90) Hitpoints


Desert Treasure
Recipe for Disaster
King's Ransom
Monky Madness II

The Mage Arena II

Dragon Slayer II ?
(I feel DS2 is not worth it, having to kill Vorki ~50kc everytime I die deep wildy  or do lms for the protection.)




I'm currently finishing off cannoning 97 range, which was a very chill grind to be honest.
After that it's definitely time to get those quests completed and out of the way. I have been stalling underground Pass for almost a year now...
And then lastly the mage grind can begin. I plan on alching to 91, and then burst/barrage to 97 also making the 90 hp mark.

I'm very excited sharing this all with you. Let me know your thoughts and opinions.
Can't wait to finish this one.


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i love the thought of a piety mauler. but its pretty restrited to multi pking. i assume you'll be using it when single pking or just rushing.

bring this to the med scene you'll be indeed to low combat + prolly more just a bolt ragger, since you wont be able to spear or scim.

glad to see you share your progress tho. cant wait to see some vids of you speccing out ppl at pvp locations

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This is for sure a side project for single pking. I'll always have the med for multi ^^

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ayyyyy gl king

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fun acc for pvp world, gl

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Those poor ogres! Great progress so far though: )

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nice pvp build u have in mind here

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nice build, almost like my. :D

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Woaah, I love these specialized builds :) and love their vids even more! You ever gonna make some when ur account is finished?

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11 hours ago, Sybren said:

Woaah, I love these specialized builds :) and love their vids even more! You ever gonna make some when ur account is finished?


Same! Last tie I made pkj vids it was pre-eoc, so I'll have to get into some stuff but I'd be very interested in making some! :D

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