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Finally got it!

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What's going on boys, havent posted in a while.. Been slaving away in the inferno and finally managed to get the damn cape (:


Still cant figure out how to post images in the body btw..


Edited by Nyco
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ayy man that sick 

heres the forum link on how to embed pictures - easiest way ive found is making your own discord (thats what i do)


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damn brooo amazing achievement for sure! rep it with proud!

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45 minutes ago, chunkydoinks said:

ayy man that sick 

heres the forum link on how to embed pictures - easiest way ive found is making your own discord (thats what i do)



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Wow very nice achievement bro! Hope I will be able to try soon. Congratulations

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gz brodah

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Gz. Deleted your link until you get it embedded :)

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Gz man, isn't that 100% completionist for your tank now, what's next? Remember seeing you in "V Public" a while back and you motivated me to start playing my unfinished tank again.

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