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this is a really not great guide for nightmare boss

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with the upcoming pvm event im dropping a quick and in no way perfect guide to get you boys set up for it

video will be at bottom I just pull from youtube tbh

the nightmare is a SAFE boss in the sense your items will be in a chest that you pay 60k to unlock if you die

gear will be from BIS-less bis

You can use use inquisitors armor as bis but I think only bitseach has a set lol 

Arrow: Radas Blessing 4/normal god blessings

Ring: Berserker Ring (I)/Brimstone/B ring 

Helm: Faceguard/serp/nezzy/berserker helm

Neck: Torture/fury/glory

Chest: BCP/Torso

Skirt: Tassets/Fremenick kilt

Boots: Prims/Dboots/rune boots

Gloves: Barrows 

Shield slot: Avernic/D. Def/Rune Def ( a lot of 2 handed weapon usage ) 


the boss is weak to crush those weapons will be BIS in this order

Scythe/Bludgeon/Sarachnis Cudgel (1 handed pair with defender)/Elder Maul/Viggora's Chainmace (u) + defender

You will also need a trident for pillars and a good spec weapon. Claws/BGS/DWH are all acceptable.

Depending on size of pull we may need to bring rune pouches with blood barrage just incase theres a lot of sleepwalkers as they are spawned based off amount of people. Sleepwalkers explained below 

Inventory Should consist of 2-3 Super Combats (2 Divines)

1 sanfew (REQUIRED!!!!!!!)

2-3 Brews

5-6 Restores 

Rest manta/tele other items needed (we can work on your inventory during massing for the event) 

The nightmare boss hits hard and you have to get your prayers correct against it. If its facing you it has the opportunity to melee you, otherwise it attacks with range + mage. Middle sounds on, the range attack is a cracking of the bones and the mage has kind of a "swirly" sound. The melee attack is instant so if you are infront in melee distance you need to be ready to flick melee on tick.


The Boss has 3 phases of 800 health. Each phase has 2 phase specific special attacks. The boss also has a special it can utilize throughout the battle as well. Between each phase of health the boss will become immune to damage. During this process there will be 4 pillars in each corner you will need to mage/melee (trident is BIS even when youre in full melee, bring maybe an occult for DPS increase but mage bonus does not matter. DONT WASTE INVENTORY) until their respective meters are full. Once this happens there will be a massive fireball shot at the boss and the next phase will begin. In this time there will be "sleepwalkers" that spawn on the outside of the fenced area. These will die in 1 hit no matter what but they need to be killed before they reach the boss or we will take MASSIVE damage and very well could die. After 3 phases of this, the boss is dead ok 


The Nightmare will spawn black holes throughout the map if youre on them youre taking 30+ damage. you have 2 game ticks to move off these and avoid damage (constant, can use on any phase)

Husks: The nightmare spawns 2 minions that focus 1 person. The person they focus they can not move while theyre alive. (phase 1 only)

Flower Quadrants: The boss splits the room into 4 based on a north/south and east/west line. There will be live flowers making a border and dead flowers. You need to stay in the square surrounded by live flowers or you will be constantly ticked damage. (so think if the live flowers make a line north and west you want to be in the northwest quadrant)  (Phase 1 only)

Curse: The boss will shuffle your prayers. This is signified by a pink flash on your screen. When this happens the prayers are shifted one to the right. When you click melee pray, mage shows up. Click mage pray and range shows up. Click range pray and melee shows up. This will end after the boss's (5?) regular attack sequence. (Phase 2 only)

Parasites: The boss will impregnate you (nice) with a parasite. This will be signified in your chatbox and your health bubble will turn a pinkish color. You need to drink 1 dose of sanfew serum within in 30 seconds to drop the damage from the parasite breaking out of you like alien. Once the parasite spawns, you need to kill it immediately because it begins to heal the boss. (Phase 2 only)

Surge: The boss will teleport to one side of the room and face 1 direction. Within 2 ticks the boss will rush past the map. if you are anywhere infront of the boss at this time youre taking a guaranteed 55+ damage drop. Don't be in the way. (Phase 3 only)

Spores: the boss spawns mushrooms that make you unable to run for some time. if youre near another player you will spread this effect and then they can spread it just like fucking coronavirus. If you cant run you might not be able to dodge a surge special. otherwise this special is harmless (phase 3 only)

Remember, between each phase you are killing the totems. The boss can still use any of its specials (depending on which phase or black holes) while youre killing pillars. 



Everything else will be in the random youtube video below (DISCLAIMER::::: this guys inventory is for more advanced pvming. do not follow his inventory unless you know wtf youre doing, which if youre reading this you don't. use the video as a boss mechanics guide)


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Very nice topic bro, nightmare is hella fun once you know what to do and I'll be tanking for everyone to make it easy. Come to this!

Edited by Grime

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I’n deffoo attend! Really want to learn this!

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5 hours ago, Grime said:

Very nice topic bro, nightmare is hella fin once you know what to do and I'll be tanking for everyone to make it easy. Come to this!

Big time meat shield 

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Sounds aids to me xD

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Ooooo very interesting 

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good topic, ez gains - good luck chaps

also ez sucks

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nice man, i should be able to make it tonight!

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Not sure how much use a tank will be but I'll come along.

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Super curious what this boss is like

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