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Post a Song :)

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Hey guys,

I'd like to know what kind of music you guys listen to, I'm always after new music and would love to know what kinds of songs you guys like.

I'll start with a song, reply with your favorite song or one of your favorites. Could be a music video, or just plain song title with artist.

Lately I've been feeling some Motley Crue, "Take Me To The Top"

That's just one that I like right now. In terms of Genres, I enjoy all types of music (except most Country music lol)

Edit: realized after making this thread, that @Origen made a similar post. My apologies.

Edited by Insanity

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The movie about Motley Crue on Netflix is nice man! I'm a lover of (old school)rock music, but lately my go to song is Stevie Wonder - Master Blaster. Just gets me in positive vibes you know! 

Right there with you on the genres.

Fun thread! Let's see where this goes.

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  On 5/27/2020 at 7:49 AM, Fantastisch said:

The movie about Motley Crue on Netflix is nice man! I'm a lover of (old school)rock music, but lately my go to song is Stevie Wonder - Master Blaster. Just gets me in positive vibes you know! 

Right there with you on the genres.

Fun thread! Let's see where this goes.

Pretty chill song man, Thanks for replying.

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Alright I got one more.

That Sound (Quantic Soul Orchestra Version) - Ohmega Watts

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I like a bit of everything - depends on my mood and vibe. 
J Cole, Drake, Bullet for my valentine, Ty$, EDM music, trap remixes 🤷🏼‍♂️ 

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im mostly into rap and dnb so if you like that sort of thing i can send you a few songs

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i alternate allot in music. but lately in in a trap kinda mood. my fav atm is 'Moon of pejing'. really a bangeerrr

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I barely listen music at home but if i do it really depends on a mood. I can listen everything.

il add few dif sort in spoiler:

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Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)

La da dee la dee dow, la da dee la dee dow La da dee la dee dow, la da dee la dee dow La da dee la dee dow, la da dee la dee dow

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  On 5/28/2020 at 7:21 AM, Milky said:

Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)

La da dee la dee dow, la da dee la dee dow La da dee la dee dow, la da dee la dee dow La da dee la dee dow, la da dee la dee dow

I bet you cycle to this, I can feel the beat man haha

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