Sparklz 35 Posted May 24, 2020 Ik been een rat. SV is my new home. Kaas is lekker nomnomnomnomnomnom. Please berate this guide for its hideous formatting. As more and more of you are expressing your interest in doing Chambers of Xeric id like to take some time out of my day (which, lets be real, I have all the time in the world with no job) to give the maybe not so short and tootsweet on the very basics to send you on your way . I'll go over the basics of gearing and a simple walk through of all rooms to atleast get a understanding of what to expect. Nobody will expect tick perfect deathless record time raids with learners and if they do your raiding with the wrong people. Don't forget its just a game and its meant to be challenging yet fun. Chambers of Xeric is one of the funnest things i have learned in OSRS next to warring/multi pking, (or bsing your clan) because its always different and exciting, plus YOUR TEAM COULD GET A FUCCIN TWISTED BOW YO!!! Be patient have the strive to improve and learn the correct way regardless of what your astranged uncle's baby momma said in another discord or whatever. "Everything has to be perfect, you need absolute meta bis everything and your retarded if you say anything to the contrary" is a total crock of shit. A 30-50m gear setup can complete any raid rotation(kinda depends on your build). Gear snobs and mega try-hards is what ruins this entire wonderful slice of content for a lot of people and yet again just remember your doing this to have fun with your freinds and maybe make absolute bank along the way. More in-depth things come into play and might even be discussed between your party during the raid but just pay attention to whats going on around you have a open mind and learn from your mistakes. Never be afraid to ask questions about things you don't understand, never just wing it. Communication is important in chambers so talk with your team ask questions before you start the room. IMPORTANT: the farther i get into making this guide i realize how important the final fight actually is to the raid so respectively i wlll be covering The Great Olm fight in a separate topic. MOST IMPORTANT: Don't flame people for making mistakes you'll drive them away from ever raiding with you again or worst case from raids all together its just a game and this is supposed to be fun GEAR: Lots of things to discussion in this section pertaining to what you should use as a 0-50kc learner with all of the guides out there and the he said she said i heard stuff. In my honest opinion it comes down to what your comfy with and in a perfect world you'd have a 5b bank and be able to afford bis every way, but as you are learning focusing on movement mechanics and paying attention to what you are doing is far more important then a controversial max hit in this section but not in that one etc etc. In reality that doesn't mean anything if your ignoring the more important aspects of things dying to easily avoidable circumstances, making things harder on yourself and your team and just overall being a whale (jokes ofc ;D) Void is a very good option because it makes your switches as simple as possible while still having good dps for the most part on all three styles (yes you will need tribrid no matter of your build type) but there is also alternatives to that THINGS YOU WILL NEED: Occult Necklace: 10% magic damage bonus Amulet of fury: Overall solid neck slot can be upgraded to torture/anguish if you can afford and feel comfertable with that extra switch and the inventory space this will consume Trident of the Swamp: Sang staff is a obvious upgrade but not everybody is rich but a regular trident of the seas is a far significant downgrade splurge and try to get toxic Berserk ring i or Brimstone ring: Beserker ring i will give you an extra max hit melee over brimstone but personally i prefer the brimstone due to its piercing effect and its all the frem rings in 1 Toxic Blowpipe: Use adamant darts or better and keep a fair amount of scales and darts in it as your blowpipe gets the most use by far throughout the raid Melee Weapon: Unspecified due to different price points and limitations of your build but some kind of 4 tick weapon (Bss, Abyssal Dagger, Rapier, Tent Whip, DHL, Scythe, Dragon Scimitar) Dragon boots: Zerk accounts can use Spiked Manacles or Climbing Boots. Brimstone Boots are also an option kinda up to you on this one on what u want out of feet slot A ranged weapon with distance: Crossbow, Heavy Ballista, Dark Bow, Twisted Bow, Crystal Bow. I'd suggest Acb due to its extra tile range and being 2nd bis for rooms behind tbow/bp Bandos Godsword: Dragon Warhammer is a good option as well but its a bit pricey so its understandable if you don't have one just don't use chally or claws or something like that Pickaxe: Atleast rune, But try to get ahold of a dragon pickaxe if possible huge difference of max hits on guardians but its not the end of the world Stab Weapon: Obviously disregard if your main melee weapon is abyssal dagger or rapier YOU MUST HAVE THIS even if you don't bring it every raid and ill explain why Salve amulet (ei): Also not needed every raid but skeletal mystics will be a lot slower if you don't and its not that hard to obtain. Book of Darkness or Unholy Book: Using your defender while ranging and using magic is really not ideal unless you 100% can't manage it in your inventory Magic robes: Ahrims is the best bang for your buck Zerks can use Infinity or Dagon hai Nezzy Helm: Serp or Nezzy Facegaurd is a good upgrade but no big deal if you don't have no gear bashing <3 (Slayer helm I is bis for zerk accounts) God D'Hide: Self explanatory it gets a lot of use so something like karils wouldn't be practical but if you must i don't see why not Barrows gloves: Do i have to explain this one? I'm aware ferocious gloves and tormented bracelets are things but do you really want glove switches every style as a learner? probably not. Fighter Torso: Its the same strength bonus as Bandos Chestplate although not as good Defense wise Dragon Defender: Gives very good melee bonuses (obviously zerks bring rune or bring Avernic if you own it) Mage Arena 2 Cape: It's 2020 if you don't have one of these by now....... Fire cape: Anytime you use melee you use a fire cape not many alternatives to this if you don't have. Accumlator/Assembler: Saves you your bolts as well as the later one giving a ranged strength bonus which is priceless considering how much you use ranged Ranging cape can also be used P.S: If using void obviously you wont need robes nezzy d'hide torso gloves etc. Don't wanna be CPN. Obvious but if i don;t someone will be "that guy" IMPORTANT: I am aware that there is cheaper and more expensive alternatives to some of these things that you may or may not own. Discuss with your team of what they expect or suggest as far as upgrades/downgrades because after all teamwork is everything in chambers. Things like Armadyl on paper look really good but are alot of negative everywhere else and you can afford more appropriate items that would be more practical for cox as a whole. Example: Armadyl chest and skirt is about 80 mill for like+8 range over d'hide, not really worth it especially when its negative melee and requires you to have another leg switch when using melee but at the same time i don't expect everybody to liquidate things they already own and use outside of cox just for cox. SCOUTING: this is only applicable to learners or if your 100% looking for efficiency or ease of the raid itself, for learners that would be ideal and it's worth the time. Most likely you would want to scout the simpler of rooms with the least amounts of hindrances to you and your team. (EXAMPLE: tekton crabs mystics tightrope muttadiles [some of the simpler rooms that will grant you enough overloads for olm if nobody in your party has 90 herblore]) if you find rooms you are uncomfortable with discuss this with your team don't just wing it unless your experienced with all rooms and can do "blind" raids. ROOMS: Not in any order. Runelite will show the rotation of the raid as well as farming and scavenger rooms. I will be covering all of the Demi-bosses/Combat and Puzzles involved in cox as i said before, the Olm fight itself will be covered by a different topic entirely. If your really that motivated to start immediately after reading this there is a lot of guides on Youtube that will have live examples and be worded differently that might be easier for you to understand. Tekton: this is my Achilles heel due to it being 100% dependent on melee dps crush is most effective against tekton so an elder maul or using your godsword on smash attack style will be more effective then just a tent whip but any melee weapon will get the job done your going to want to make sure everybody in your team is ready fully potted has 100% special attack and enough run energy to complete this room as it is always worth due to the fact of tekton dropping 2 full overload+ potions thats why this room is always watched for while scouting you start by having one person go towards the middle of the room to lure tekton away from his anvil and agro you or whoever else in the room PRAY MELEE this boi will slap you down so quick if you dont to begin the room everybody on your team will attack tekton (starting with BOTH of your special attacks via bgs or dwh) while you circle around tekton anti-clockwise to avoid his attacks if this seems confusing just try to keep up with everybody else but do not run away from tekton as this will make his "scan" not see anybody around him and will go back to his anvil to heal and start the meteor storm part of this demi-boss which will inevitably happen unless your team manages to kill it in one "cycle" when and if this happens keep attacking him untill he reaches his anvil dont start running around like a spastic as it makes it uncontrollable instead within a safe distance from one another and simply move between 3 tiles in a line when you see the meteors launch again move to the other tile then wait for them to launch again move back to the other tile and repeat the aformentioned method once tekton comes away from his anvil ideally you want to be as far away from the anvil when he comes back towards you so its a long walk to get back there if you cant manage to kill it on the second cycle or thereafter sometimes peoples specs noodle and it can take 3 or more cycles to complete this room showing the square path you use to run around Tekton as you circle him. inbetween the black squares on the same line show where tekton can see you during his "scan" tick if nobdy is standing in these area's during this moment he will return to his anvil Vespula: a very good room to learn early on and all of the world record speed runs involve this room because its very fast and easy when done correctly. Plus it can be the saving grace your looking for late in the raid as the potions it drops when defeated don't "cap" the ending prep points (just ask someone what this means) This room is one of the reasons that people rage quit and never try again but its very simple one when it comes down to it gib bolt>run back>restore>repeat but impossible if you don't have a weapon that can reach the portal so if you don't have a armadyl crossbow twisted bow crystal bow heavy ballista or dark bow say something to your team asap and potentially scout around it before the fact IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to set your quick prayers to redemption and rigour and discuss who will "run blossoms" to the grubs before you enter. Make sure you are range potted and have enough run energy to complete the room, i doubt you'll survive if you run out of stamina and get caught walking back and forth. Your gonna start by running one tile away from the appropriate grub that's declared as "safe spot" and make sure you remember this tile mark it on the layout if you have to because you have to get to this tile as fast as possilbe no matter which room layout after you've shot a bolt at the portal otherwise your death will be as swift as it is unexpected. Don't attack the portal again unless your sure you have redemption activated and are at least 20+hp and enough prayer points to make sure redemption activates, then attack the portal again. Make sure someone is monitoring the grubs hp bars as well because if it reaches 0 it will spawn a additional soldier raising Vespula's overall defence and healing the portals health to full inevitably causing the entire room to be a waste and resulting in a wipe/rage quit/rescout. This is one of the more intimidating and infamous rooms in cox not because of difficulty but because of not understanding how to do and a few second lapse of attention or clicking one tile off will totally botch it for you and your team this is one of the rooms its easier to demonstrate or suggest a actual guide on the room because like i said you cant just wing this room and expect good results The blue square is whats known as the safe spot. when you attack you will be pulled into the green area you immediately need to get back to that blue square once your attack goes off or you will continue to take damage. The red line is very dangerous as Vespula will be able to melee you on this line and due to the nature of how this room is done you most likely wont survive a melee hit even with redemption on also it isn't shown in this picture the other side of that blue square is basically another green zone just make sure you are not on that line at any time Vasa Nistirio: Another intimidating room but yet again very simple and fast if done correctly Mostly ranged based room but this is the room where will need a stab weapon to kill the crystals during its healing phase YOU CANNOT JUST USE A TENT WHIP OR PICKAXE!!!! You have to have a real stab weapon, a dragon sword is 50k, no excuses unless your an ironmeme (hi rob <3). You will start in your ranged gear and blowpipe make sure you have a good amount of energy and make sure you have drank a stamina potion or this room is very challenging as your ability to move is very important in this room. Vasa will start as a pile of rocks in the center of the room and the person with the lowest hp will enter the room and run to the center first because it will make the unavoidalbe damadge less from its first attack. Everybody else will enter the room as soon as the blue flames appear on the entrance of the room. Turn on protect mage and run next to Vasa as fast as possible to nullify the damage the original space cadet that entered will take (SORRY BUD). Then immediately switch to protect from range after the hitsplat appears and move away from Vasa and start to attack but make sure you are paying attention and trying to dodge the rocks it is throwing out and don't be standing under it as it will cause trample damage the crystal it chooses will begin to glow more intensely then the others so try to make your way towards that crystal while still attacking with your blowpipe. When Vasa reaches that crystal it will become immune to your ranged attacks and you will have to attack the crystal with your stab weapon until its health bar reaches 0 if you fail to do this twice it will cause Vasa to Re-launch its initial starting attack IMPORTANT: Don't just stand there if you aren't selected and stunned next to the boss it is very important that you get next to Vasa with protect mage otherwise your teammates will most likely get sent to the shadow realm. If all goes to plan Vasa will get smoked and drop 2 twisted+ potions (a better version of bastion) that you can use in coming rooms or save to make overloads during Olm prep another tip for this room is that Vasa will not go back to the crystal it just came from, at least until it has visited another one so if in doubt about where to move go to where he was during that healing phase. its also important that you and your teammates spread out during the blowpipe part to not take double hits from Vasa's thrown rocks. Vanguards: aka nah i don't know how to do that room aka lobster bois With the most recent Q.O.L update everybody should learn this room as they have lowered the magical defence of the "melee" vanguard and reduced the agro range of all of them making the double teaming factor a lot easier to avoid. most people would avoid completely if they don't have a twisted bow on their team as all of them have a decently high magic level and its easy to "catch up" the damage dealt to the highest hp Vanguard but this is no longer the case. Be adventurous flex your switches on us ;D This room basically comes down to 3 things: 1.) Doing damage 2.) Not doing too much damage/knowing when not to attack 3.) Switching your overheads and attack styles on the fly(gerneral bridding in a sense). None of the Vanguards can have too large of a difference in hit points in relation to each other (33% to be exact), anything more will cause them to reset back to full health causing your teammates to either say "my bad" or "what the fuck are you doing?". The three Vanguards correspond with the combat triangle and are weak to the opposing side of the combat triangle. (mage<range range<melee melee<magic) like i said the twisted bow is highly effective against all 3 of them if you have but be careful it only takes one hit a a little bit too high to reset the room. Be careful watch how much damage your doing in relation to everybody else and make sure to watch what vanguard is where and anticipate the appropriate switch you'll need to make based on how they rotate. Magic Vanguard Ranged Vanguard Melee Vanguard ALTERNATIVE everybody can claim a vanguard of a specific type and follow that one around the room as they rotate which alot of people might find alot simpler but be sure to discuss this with your team before dont just assume your doing it one way when you assume you make a ass of u and me. Muttadiles: another one of those rooms that people desire in a scout due to the fact of them dropping overload+ potions This is one of the more straight forward rooms BUT you can get one-shot by the melee attacks of the mama croc surely to be followed by a "l0l0l sit idiot" from your more toxic teammates. Blowpipe is the go to but magic and melee can be used against the smaller of the two if you must. Use your blowpipe against the larger one although twisted bow is much better for the large one. Once either of them take enough damage (around 50%) they will try to go to the meat tree to heal themselves prolonging the fight which can be countered by using a Zamorak Godsword or ice barrage or even a tent whip spec(this doesn't always work as splashing and missing is a factor). They will have a small time of immunity when they can't take damage. in the end it's up to your team to decide if you even want to bother and use your special attacks to skip this heal or just let it happen anyways and continue like normal. Mystics: dem skele bois gib bolt call it a day this is the room where your salve amulet ei is coming into play as they count as Un-dead. the short and sweet: pray mage shoot bolts. Using your blowpipe/crossbow/tbow try to all focus the same mystic to kill them off one by one as fast as possible. On paper blowpipe is going to be better dps overall but the lesser range of the blowpipe might drag you across the room drawing the aggression of the other mystics and tanking more then 1 at a time is not ideal. You don't want to drain all of your brews and supplies on something that could have easily been avoided by loosing a bit of dps other then that its a pretty straight forward room point and shoot. you can potentially "safespot" them by trapping them around a corner diagonally and somebody will usually say "dd" when its lured to one of these spots. Discuss with your team if you'd like to try and lure them in this manner also be careful getting too close and personal as they can melee you for a decent bop on your noodle. They also drop the seeds needed to make potions and are a good source of easy points so its also a desired room while scouting IMPORTANT: I find a lot of conflict about what i'm about to go over and this applies to the whole raid (besides olm) about the use of ruby bolts e and why this isn't ideal in almost all circumstances. As some of you may know ruby bolts sacrifice 10% of your current hp to take away 10% of your targets current hp (capped at 100 damadge per hit). While this seems like a done deal and the argument of "but i can hit 100 on it" reoccurs. On the contrary, you can maybe hit that once unless your raiding with a large team the special attack of the bolt will be less then that of a regular hit of your bolts based on the ranged strength of said bolt and therefore becomes obsolete wasting your hp and time proccing bolts on almost dead enemies. Diamond dragon bolts or Dragonstone dragon bolts e or the lesser counter parts if only using a rune crossbow are going to be your best bet as the max hit wont lower based on party size or hp of the mystic your targeting. Lizardman Shamans: One of the rooms i was referring to when i said you need a weapon with some range and also a form of anti poison(usually a sanfew serum or you can prepot antivenom if its early in the scout) its almost exactly like the Lizardman shamans outside of cox, except you can use the rooms size to your advantage. DO NOT USE TOXIC BLOWPIPE you'll become too close and constantly get dragged around the room when you try to attack causing them to jump and make the room a mess and a lot harder for not only you but everybody else as well. the trick is to zoom out a little bit and stay on the outer edges of the walls so they can not jump around and attempt to stomp attack you. They also have a attack where they fire a green blob into the sky which does aoe damadge and is crucial that you dodge these as even with you being immune it still does a lot of damage. They also have a spawn of purple minions that will attempt to come next to you and explode although its only about 10 damage it can catch you off guard so just simply move away from them when they grab their heads in agony or whatever you want to call it. also another source of seeds not always needed but overall a easy room for solid points. Guardians: I hate this room and if its up to me i avoid it but that's completely biased and its also the easiest room to go over. You literally just flinch with your pick axe and it'll take you all of 5 seconds to figure out what your supposed to do here, although You have to watch your hp and make sure you have run energy due to them hitting decently if you don't move back and forth fast enough and make sure you have the smash style selected on your pickaxe. (If you tell me to smash with my pickaxe i will pk you during olm I CANT IT GIVES STRENGTH XP) IMPORTANT if you seem to be not hitting that well or you have a ranged tank in your raid you can use your dragon warhammer or bgs spec to reduce their defence. Also blood spells, sgs, guthans armor set and toxic blowpipe specs will still heal you regardless if it dosen't do damage. another source of seeds even though a lot lesser then mystics and shamans. still something to consider while scouting PUZZLES: Crabs: another one of those rooms that people say "i dont do crabs" you gonna learn today you manipulate the bounce of the orb that goes throught the room and changed the color of the crab to be the correct color based on which crystal your trying to finish now imagine your following behind the orb as it travels throught the room the orb will always bounce to the right when it hits a crab or perpendicular wall unless it'd be trapped and couldnt move based on that bonuce you have to set up the crabs accordingly usually by using an anchor point which the orb will always hit first while one person will move accordingly and line up the next path the orb needs to go through sometimes you need to manipulate 3 crabs to get it lined accordingly thats why its important to ask what to do not just stand there and watch 1 or 2 people struggle trying to get things to sync up how it needs to be directed IMPORTANT do not just leroy into the room and agro every crab in the room as it will make it impossible you cannot pull agro of crabs if it is already engaged in "combat" to another person also good to know that if needed by using your dragon warhammer or the regular hammer now provided you can "smash" the crab to temporarily stun it and disable it from moving but this will also color it red so timing is important and dont just instantly smash every crab as it can mess everything up the blue crystal needs to be hit with the red orb which is colored using melee the black crystal needs to have the orb stay white so you cant hit the crab with anything the purple crystal needs to be hit with a ranged attack colored orb and the final green crystal will need to be hit with a magic colored orb takes some time to figure out this concept but just take a few seconds to mark the tiles of the optimal layout and try to remember what crab needs to be colored what and in which order as theres 2 layouts for the crab room along with many other rooms in chambers reffered to as the challange mode crabs because its the same layout as it would be in challange mode or just simply "the other one" oh and also your going to be praying melee for the entirety of this room its not that much per hit if you dont but it would be silly not too this also got reworked recently so all of the crystals are now closer to you and wont need some crazy render distance to see what crystal is where and they made it so you can "cancel" and orb by attempting to switch it to a color it isnt on its approach to the next crab (besides white it will become anything at this point) this is whats considered as the challenge mode crab room all of the tiles marked are where a crab would have to be standing to complete this room although not in any order and that white crystal would be black had i not bounced it correctly trying to take this picture and mark the tiles in this case the yellow crystal would have to be bounced off crabs 3 times and its hard to show that but i'll explain that further during an actual raid (i had to solo vanguards to get to this crab room so cut me some slack x'D) Tightrope: i feel like ive said it before but this is a very straight forward room two islands seperated by a tight rope deathly mages on one side deathly rangers on the other you always start with the mages protect mage and range them down the max hit of the mages isnt very high but it is important to watch your hp. the rangers are about the same except you pray range if it wasnt obvious but it has to be said although you need to be carefull as the rangers have a pretty decent hit even through protect from range and its important to not agro more then one at a time and if you feel like you have to pull back so you can safely eat up then by all means do so but if your being counted on to tank the rangers dont pull out of range for too long or they will switch agro and if your caught off guard and all of the sudden your tanking it can turn into a hairy situation IMPORTANT its sort of the unspoken rule that the person that scouted the raid gets to cross the rope to collect the keystone crystal although in my opinion its 400 points who cares but just as a courtesy dont cross the rope and snag someones crystal especially if your being overly antsy about it just for the fact you'd get the points like i said this is 100% about teamwork dont piss off your team Ice demon: one of my personal favorite rooms i purposley always bring tome/fire surge for this room not really sure why but its one of the few rooms besides olm when magic is important and its super satisfying hitting 60+ with magic as it has a weakness to all fire spells on the standard spell book (including flames of zamorak although surge is far superior) there will be a bronze axe and a tinderbox spawned on the farther side of the room not everybody has to grab a tinder box but make sure you grab an axe deposit your potions in the chest if your team has had the chance to grab or drop them in the room against the lighter colored side of the room if your surging as this will be the "safe" spot unless the demon gets pushed out of initial starting spot then chop the sapplings to feed the braizers to lower its first blue health bar untill it reaches 0 then it will extinguish all and come out of the way of the exit and the fight will begin if your not using magic and in the safe spot blowpipe or twisted bow should be used to kill it or you can use melee but make sure you are protecting from range or it will do a 3x3 aoe barrage like attack against you that stuns you and will do quite rapid damage IMPORTANT although you don't have to, lighting more then one brazier will help reduce its shield faster although its not that important to do so. Make sure that its known that the ice demon is about to start its combat part of the room so the rest of your team has time to collect all of their potions and stuff from either the floor or the chest, nothing worse then scrambling around during ice demon because nobody said anything. You can also use your bgs/dwh spec to help speed the room up but only if you feel like you wont need your spec in the next room or two. Thieving: One of the rooms i'm also not a fan of and will scout around if possible but it's very easy and straight-forward Well kinda a short one to explain you attempt to pick the locks on the various chests around the room to collect the grubs they can potentially hold to deposit in the trough that the big scavenger beast is standing by until the health bar drains completely and sending it to sleep allowing you to move on with the rest of the raid IMPORTANT: if applicable and have a willing candidate that has already gotten secondaries/chest or is willing to go do this while everybody else does the room its not a bad time to do so. The use of a lockpick will speed up the rate of you opening chests. additionally runelite has a plug-in that will help you in finding the one special chest that contains bats that heal a good amount of hp and can be used throughout the raid whenever needed while also granting additional points when they heal hp. this isn't the end all 100% must do/how to do by all means if you have better strategies or pictures or suggestions on the Room parts of chambers of xeric feel free to add in the comment sections. this is just a overview on the things i know and a good starting point for anybody wanting to learn a thing or two The Great Olm will be discussed in depth in another topic as it has a lot to go over but maybe will be collapsed into one topic once its all said and done. Share this post Link to post
Serebro 58 Posted May 24, 2020 Dragon scim is worse than dragon sword for those of you being 60 attack build (i am) as it's stab bonus is better vs olm! 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Brandon 654 $ DONATOR $ Posted May 24, 2020 Holy hell burn you went all in on this! Great work! 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Twin 51 $ DONATOR $ Posted May 24, 2020 Thanks for taking the time to do this! Overall very solid starter guide! 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
1720 108 Posted May 24, 2020 nice guide but use colors n stuff to make it more readable 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Nistly 87 Posted May 24, 2020 Nice fucken topic brotha. Can’t believe you spent the time even explaining Vanguards!! Thanks for all the advice 😁 1 1 Schweden and Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Akrr 505 Posted May 24, 2020 Ultra sick guide bro 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Sparklz 35 Posted May 24, 2020 Thanks for the feedback guys! few people have given the tip of changing colors of the text and adding a bit more eye candy so it dosn't seem like a wall of text and just a boring lecture manuscript thats a chore and boring to read even if the material is good i can see how some people would say nah and skip through important information. ill try to go through it and make it more friendly looking as i find more important information and add some of the suggestions people have said Share this post Link to post
Schweden 118 Posted May 24, 2020 well indept, great guide 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
Origen 531 $ DONATOR $ Posted May 24, 2020 Great guide man, hope people take time to read this if they are new! 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post
SPEARFlSHER 247 Posted May 24, 2020 Some serious, serious effort put into this! 1 Sparklz reacted to this Share this post Link to post