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Road to a 2200 Total Level Med

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Partyhat Dye

Stats As Of 5/20/2020:



I wanted to put together this post to hold myself accountable for my goals, both long and short term, with the ultimate goal being a 2200+ Total Level Maxed Med. I wanted to get this post out early to hopefully inspire some other people with these goals and be able to motivate others along the way. As of now I am not an official member of Vengeance but I do hope to be in the future. I am normally in the CC and usually have my private chat turned on so feel free to reach out along the way.



99 Firemaking - December 2019
Quest Point Cape - May 2020

Short Term Goals:


Obtain all Void Sets

300 Chompy Kills -- 5/22/2020

Obtain a Coal Bag -- 5/23/2020

Complete Western Providences Hard Diary

Complete Fremennik Hard Diary

Obtain Elite Void

84 Construction

80 Fishing

70 Runecrafting

75 Hunter

90 Magic

90 Fletching

92 Strength

71 Agility -- 5/23/2020

72 Slayer

75 Thieving

75 Mining -- 5/23/2020

Long Term Goals:


2K Total

Meet Vengeance Med Requirements

2200 Total Level

(More PvM and PvP based goals will be added as I find other pieces of content or accomplishments I want to achieve)


Edited by Vice
Jamflex took my IGN away... again... so updated the IGN

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Sick goals man, I have a 2k+ total med & I think the build looks fucking sick. 

I'd highly recommend you to get diaries done along the way, especially Elite ones. Fremmenik elite is very useful as a clanner, but so is the Ardougne, Falador, Kandarin & Lumbridge. I'd highly suggest you to get all of the knocked out along the way.

Also, don't burn yourself out man - 2k itself is a grind (if you do skills like Agility, Runecrafting and Mining) so I can't imagine how tough it'll be to get 2.2k.

My goals for this upcoming weekend is to get Kandarin Elite knocked out as well as 85 Thieving. ;) 

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1 minute ago, Origen said:

Sick goals man, I have a 2k+ total med & I think the build looks fucking sick. 

I'd highly recommend you to get diaries done along the way, especially Elite ones. Fremmenik elite is very useful as a clanner, but so is the Ardougne, Falador, Kandarin & Lumbridge. I'd highly suggest you to get all of the knocked out along the way.

Also, don't burn yourself out man - 2k itself is a grind (if you do skills like Agility, Runecrafting and Mining) so I can't imagine how tough it'll be to get 2.2k.

My goals for this upcoming weekend is to get Kandarin Elite knocked out as well as 85 Thieving. ;) 

I appreciate the support man! definitely may reach out along the way for advice. I have been doing diaries along the way. All of the stats in this short term round will get me the reqs for all hard diaries.

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gonna be grind fam keep the hustle going

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Nice progress already made! It's good to have a longterm goal but definitely celebrate the short term ones and don't tunnelfocus too much on the future :) Enjoy the grind!

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Best of luck m8

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i reaaaally  like this kind of threads! i wish you all the luck on your journey to 2.2k

im closing in real soon on 2.1k on my zerk! feel free to ask my anything bro :)

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nice idea and gl with the grind!

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Very nice account and big ups for the goals! 

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Lol so I have had the names P0RNOGRAPHY and now P0RN0GRAPHIC taken away... time to start thinking of a new name...

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New IGN is updated until I think of something else for Jamflex to take away from me

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