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Smite Players?

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I have played Smite since it first came out and casually log in and queue when I need an RS break. Anyone else play or interested in learning? I have a smurf acct so I'd be happy to try to teach anyone who wants to play with no experience.

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i have no clue what Smite is. i'll check it out on Youtube later on today. just curiosity

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What is smite? 

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I like smurfs 

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Its a third person style moba

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nope but I play paladins and apex legends tho

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i gave it a try once way back, never liked it too.

Apex Legends is the real deal.

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apex on my chest

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Played it when it first came out, couldnt really get into it tho

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Totally understand that. Its definitely changed a lot over the last couple of years. If you ever want to give it another shot I'm happy to queue with you

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I would be down to play. I've played when it was in BETA, but haven't touched much of it since... I've been more into league, but wouldn't mind throwing down.

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