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Skilling Guide for 2k total

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Whats good my fellow Clan members
With the new TS icons coming out, there is a 2000 Total Level requirement for Tier 3. 

You can read all about it here!


If you think about it, a clan with alot of 2k Total Pkers gonna make bank in the protected worlds.

Some of you might look at that and think its impossible to get 2k total. Well that is what this guide is for.
I will give you guys two options in this guide and that is based on your bank value. Aight im done explaining, lets begin!

To start everything, if you are going for 2000 total level on your account, i will EXPECT that you are maxed in your combat stats. A maxed med level have the following stats.

0vRzhIW.png&key=0139fbe70b080dbd871fa945 Attack Level: 75
Strength_icon.png?e6e0c Strenght Level: 99 
Defence_icon.png&key=5bc77ccddff2e9c2f89 Defence Level: 75
zwAB0kp.png&key=92e78860ed1449a99d64f227 Ranged Level: 99
f9EHvvq.png&key=00860029ec4bd6fa2574c828 Magic Level: 99
Esw1nbA.png&key=774fa4cf81248328c2732a20 Hitpoints Level: 99
r3opEQU.png&key=852190e4bda3e2c55cc61e0d Prayer Level: 77

With the Stats above you are looking at a Total Level of 623


Route One

If you have a big bank and dont have any issues of spending a couple of hundred mills on skilling, this is the way to go. 

A maxed med level with Base 80 stats = 1903 total level. 
Some of you might not train Runecrafting higher than 56, That is okay.

Starting at base 80s, which give us 1879 Total with 56 Runecrafting

Herblore_icon.png?ffa9e Herblore Level: 99. (+19)
Crafting_icon.png?a1f71 Crafting Level: 99. (+19)
Cooking_icon.png?a0156 Cooking Level: 99. (+19) 
Farming_icon.png?558fa Farming Level: 99. (+19)
Fletching_icon.png?15cda Fletching Level: 99. (+19) 
Smithing_icon.png?d26c5 Smithing Level: 99. (+19)
Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Construction Level: 99. (+19)

This will give you a Total Level of 2012, now you can make some choices. You have 12 levels to play around with, mabey you hate agility? That means you can have a Agility level of 68 and still be 2000 total.

Route Two

This is gonna be much slower and will require some more patient, but will definitely cost much less gp.

Again, Base 80s with a Runecrafting Level of 56 is 1879.

Cooking_icon.png?a0156 Cooking Level: 99. (+19)
Herblore_icon.png?ffa9e Herblore Level: 90. (+10)
Fishing_icon.png?15a98 Fishing Level: 90. (+10)
Farming_icon.png?558fa Farming Level 90. (+10)
Firemaking_icon.png?45ea0 Firemaking Level: 99 (+19)
Thieving_icon.png?56b20 Thieving Level: 90. (+10)
Slayer_icon.png?cd34f Slayer Level 90. (+10)
Woodcutting_icon.png?6ead4 Woodcutting Level 90. (+10)
Fletching_icon.png?15cda Fletching Level: 95. (+15)
Crafting_icon.png?a1f71 Crafting Level 85. (+5)
Construction_icon.png?f9bf7 Construction Level: 83. (+3) 

This will give you 2000 Total level.

There's so many different options to achieve that total, but this is just an example of how i would've done it.

Then we have the iconic build, Berzerker

The 45 defence build is an iconic build, that is another level of patient. The only reason i did not include it was because you will basically need base 85/90. And then you dont really need my help haha! 


If you have any questions, or need any help, dont hesitate to PM me on discord Schweden#4777


I really hope this topic can give some what motivation and an ease to get you thro the grind. Let me know what you guys think.

Edited by Schweden

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Look's decent, mate. I'm looking into it

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madman nice guide

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Respect for making this, offended there was no zerker base made for this though :mad: GJ THO

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16 minutes ago, Shottix said:

Respect for making this, offended there was no zerker base made for this though :mad: GJ THO

I will edit in a picture of how it looks for a Zerk

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hello schweden great guide very informative tyvm!

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Nice guide broski!  Will look at how much it'll be once i chuck to tbow :P

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sick guide, cheers for writing it

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Dope, I'm gonna go for the 2k grind soon. Most likely gonna do all the afkables first bc I'm lazy (and poor)

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Great topic bro using these tips to get tier 2

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