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Test #2

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Here we go again 


Edited by HighImHi

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Hmmmmm not sure if I'll be able to embed Medal clips


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1 hour ago, HighImHi said:

Hmmmmm not sure if I'll be able to embed Medal clips


You tried copying the link to a discord channel, then copy the link made in the channel to the forums?

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dope kill

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4 hours ago, syckness said:

You tried copying the link to a discord channel, then copy the link made in the channel to the forums?

Yeah I tried that first then the edit is the current link. Dunno why it won't embed

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Nice kill still, 

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Whats with people actually risking these days?

Swear like 6 months ago everyone was in 500k risk or Max w/clan

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7 hours ago, Bad_Charity said:

Whats with people actually risking these days?

Swear like 6 months ago everyone was in 500k risk or Max w/clan

I think people have always risked but you never see them because teams bait or scout them too quickly. Only reason I found this guy was because he killed my lil bro doing a clue so I logged in with the bait setup and boom, he went for it

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nice man

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