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Gfx for vidders

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oh this looks nice but in my opinion the helm should be middle and reach out from there.

This overlay little bit small as well if u wanna hide chat, but i get the memo, mostly better for streamers i think.

but i like how it looks!

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1 hour ago, Akrr said:

oh this looks nice but in my opinion the helm should be middle and reach out from there.

This overlay little bit small as well if u wanna hide chat, but i get the memo, mostly better for streamers i think.

but i like how it looks!


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I agree with my fellow ranks, looks sick, but change so the viking helmet is in the middle :D 

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I try to change a little bit it to hide chat :)

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nice man! good to bring this up! keep up the good work!

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Not bad at all :) 

But yeah, I know most vidders are looking for gfx to hide the chat box completely, maybe good to know for a second design? :D


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7 hours ago, Sybren said:

Not bad at all :) 

But yeah, I know most vidders are looking for gfx to hide the chat box completely, maybe good to know for a second design? :D


I try make other 👌

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