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Virtual Reality

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Take the leap and come play Pavlov w/me. This shit is lit!

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Not sure my old pc could handle VR haha

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get ur ass back to Veng. enough breaktime!

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yeah i dont like vr that much, il better stay on this pixel game

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36 minutes ago, syckness said:

get ur ass back to Veng. enough breaktime!

I'm sure it won't take me long to need a good run w the gang!

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29 minutes ago, Slipry said:

I'm sure it won't take me long to need a good run w the gang!

thats what i like to see!

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ngl actually semi afraid of a sword art online situation with all this vr stuff L0L

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no I pex

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10 hours ago, HeadofDemon said:

ngl actually semi afraid of a sword art online situation with all this vr stuff L0L

Lol it's an interesting feeling moving around in virtual for few hours and coming back to the real. Great show :D from a plot perspective

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