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"In Laws"

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So... a long story short: My last 4 relationships seemed to have overly controlling parents, all of which seemed to get jealous after 6 month stage's where the attention is no longer focused around them.


One of a ex partners parents even tried to get me to work with him.


Is this as common in relationships or have i had a bad run? 



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Has not happened with me atleast. 

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Sound like a bad run friend

my most recent ex's parents definitely tried to use me for all sorts of free labor tho that was fun

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Nah bro, thats a bad run, atleast here western europe, you dont live with their parents but her. Im not lying if i saw my gf parents like once in 2 months or so.

and if its still ur case, talk about it bro!

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Bad run brother is all. Keep going at it!

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Had the same issue in my second serious relationship. I actually started working in the company of my ex-gf parents (best decision ever tbh). BUT, once things didn't start working out with the ex-gf the mother in law was not making it easier, at all :P 

Now I have great parents in law, wife and kid :) 

But yeah, loads of parents do tend to act a bit more annoying after some time when they notice their child is moving on with someone ells.

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I fuck my girlfriend whenever I want what her parent gonna do about it

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1 hour ago, Thomas said:

I fuck my girlfriend whenever I want what her parent gonna do about it

Thats some gangsta talk right here

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1 hour ago, Thomas said:

I fuck my girlfriend whenever I want what her parent gonna do about it

Absolute Savage :D:P


Reminder #6892: Why i don't want a daughter 

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Depends on their age, race & religion. I've had an Indonesian ex and a saw 2 Philipino chicks for a bit, all had very controlling parents. It's generally part of their culture (male dominated). It's great if they break out of the cycle because it's often ingrained from a young age. In some cases instilled through fear. 
Some single parents can be very protective also because of their experiences/mistakes. Also religious parents will be protective because they are scared their daughter will be straying from their beliefs.

As you get older that shit becomes less common. If you are serious about the relationship you need to make it clear with your partner early on, or when appropriate. One of the Philipino girls parents wanted her to still keep paying their mortgage & family bills when she moved out, because she was the high income earner of the family. If you're in a serious relationship then their is no place for that shit IMO.

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That is odd, not had it myself.

Sounds like you just gotta tell them to mind their damn business (their daughter doesn't fall in that catagory) 


Thoughts @SPEARFlSHER and @Arbor

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