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D Spear - extra motivation

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3 hours ago, SPEARFlSHER said:



Both over 1/5k drop rate...

Change your name to tassetsphisher.

might have better luck then 😂

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Always Fulled

You’re welcome for my service. 60 attack probs 😂😂😂

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Sadly I was banned from the spear slave funhouse. :(

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Is this still a thing? never used a spear any tips appreciated i understand there's defence exp involved?

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2 hours ago, Edgication said:

Is this still a thing? never used a spear any tips appreciated i understand there's defence exp involved?

100%. The spec doesn't hit anything so you don't get def xp. However if you actually use the spear as a weapon you will get shared xp.

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13 hours ago, Edgication said:

Is this still a thing? never used a spear any tips appreciated i understand there's defence exp involved?

its a must have req tbh. 100% spec are 4 uses, usefull to spear someone in multi and 1bang him out to potentially smite his ass. next thing youll get rewarded/split doing so if its a big kill. if not, doing regularly get you an invite to a monthly drop party 

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thanks guys

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Just bought some :D

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I like it

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