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Clan System: Post your thoughts

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Clan System

 Old RS3 Clan System: Safe to Assume they'll add a similar feature to join your own clan and also be visiting other clan channels.
     Old RS3 system already contains these features OSRS Team wishes to add: 
     - New clan ranks and permissions
     - More chat channels
     - Up to 500 clan members 

 Image: Old RS3 Clan system Interface 



Recruitment: Click the 'Invite' Invite Invite_icon.png button, then click on the player you wish to invite to your clan.
Clan-Chat Usage: Talk in clan chat using two slates (//). For multiple messages, click the 'clan' button in chat box.
Guests: They can join the chat if they know the clan's name and if their clan leaders allow it.
Kicking/banning: Guest members kicked by anyone with the permissions given. Also can be banned by being added to the ban list.
Leaving the clan chat: It is possible to leave the clan chat but not the clan completely by clicking 'leave Clan Chat channel' button.

Voting suggestion: Only clan members should be eligible to vote for clan content.


Question #1: Do you see any issues with the previous clan system and the features listed above? List some solutions that you would like to improve or ideas.

Clan-wide K/D counters

This is the most important section of all, clan k/d counters must be implemented correctly in order to benefit the current clan community. 
Clan A vs. Clan B K/D Counters
- No crashers affect the clan vs. clan k/d. Meaning only kills from the opposing clan count, as well as the deaths in the ClanVs.Clan comparison. Not to hard to implement since both clans are in a separate channel. 


To clarify, crashers can't bring alts to camp one of the clans fighting and increase their death toll. In the clan vs. clan comparison only kills from each clan and death by the other clan should count. For example, if a crasher kills one of the clan members fighting it shouldn't affect their k/d.

Crashers will still make an impact since they will reduce one of the clans fighting power, but it won't affect the ClanVs.Clan K/D too much - thats the goal.

Image: Clan Vs. Clan Comparison Interface (Example)

What the result would look like:


- option to evaluate k/d ratio between clans over specific time (1 hr, 4 hr) etc. This will show the true winner based on most kills/less deaths.
- since this is a clan vs. clan graph; deaths by crashers won't be counted and won't affect the k/d too much.

This will ultimately benefit the Clan World as the members don't have time to outlast the other opponent by sitting and ragging 24/7.
Ragging and 1-iteming will reduce your clan's stature.
Better Solution.
Question #2: How do you feel about the Clan Vs. Clan K/D counter to settle your fights? Do you agree with this solution? What other solutions can you offer to fix it?


Overall Clan-wide K/D counters

So the sum of all your clan kills will add up and the best clan will be at the top with the most kills. This will promote more clan vs. clan activity. 
Some foreseeable issues with this:
- Clans making alt clans and killing them on mains to improve their k/d
Solution: Report Interface: Clans farming kills may be reported and settled by a moderator. Moderator may erase a 'fake' clan made for farming kills and revoke all the kills awarded upon its deletion. Players abusing may be eligible for ban.
- Clans paying other clans to improve k/d
Solution: Reportable Offence: The issue investigated by a moderator, and dealt with. Moderator may choose to warn the abusing clans and upon further use may be susceptible to ban.
- Clan members leaving clan before death in wild
Solution: Add a timer: After leaving a clan chat permanently, a user cannot enter back for 1 hour and as such their kills after leaving wont register. 
Question #3: How do you feel about the Clan wide K/D Counters? Do you see some clans abusing this? List some of your own solutions and ideas.

CWA Clan highscores

As you all know in RS3, Rated Clan Wars (RCW) was implemented, however it died shortly after, many clans contained to use the regular clan wars instead of the rated ones.

Image: F2P & P2P Clan Wars Ranking

- Learning from past mistakes, they should use the current CWA system used mostly for the new CWA ranking system.
- Adding features such as '20v20' or 'Similar Opts' Run-in's or knockout so opponents don't cheat and sneak more people in.
- Adding 55 def cap gear restriction and also add the option to prohibit certain items and food for better competition.
- Add a 1 def requirement for pures otherwise opponents will cheat and bring Zerks or Mains.
- Add 'resting' option in F2P similar to RS3
- Add walls to CWA maps so hugging may be possible for better competition (F2P). "Refer to Turrets map on RS3"
- Adding a death counter to leaving cc in a CWA Run-in. Similar to RS3.
- Adding dangerous CWA option as well, also cash pot pool for competing clans.
- Jagex cups streamed, with potential prize rewards.
Question #4: How do you feel about the Clan wars ranking addition? What other features should they add other than the ones I listed.

Please take the time to review this, as this may be the only chance you have, Jagex will recruit clan leaders and they are likely to read and consider your opinions. The questions are summarized below. 



Question #1: Do you see any issues with the previous clan system and the features listed above? List some solutions that you would like to improve or ideas.
Question #2: How do you feel about the Clan Vs. Clan K/D counter to settle your fights? Do you agree with this solution? What other solutions can you offer to fix it?
Question #3: How do you feel about the Clan wide K/D Counters? Do you see some clans abusing this? List some of your own solutions and ideas.
Question #4: How do you feel about the Clan wars ranking addition? What other features should they add other than the ones I listed.

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interesting read and good proposals

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22 minutes ago, 1720 said:

interesting read and good proposals


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I like the rs3 clan system. Anything more sophisticated than what we have now would be great.

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Already seen your tweet and post on sb about it :) great start!

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sure why not

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would be a great update.

The only thing i'm thinking of atm is if we're going to focus on the KD ratio on clan vs clan (cwa). most of us are going to sit fights as only the best will enter to secure the win?

for the wildy part it gets better so no raggers anymore

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10 minutes ago, syckness said:

would be a great update.

The only thing i'm thinking of atm is if we're going to focus on the KD ratio on clan vs clan (cwa). most of us are going to sit fights as only the best will enter to secure the win?

for the wildy part it gets better so no raggers anymore

Agree on that. They could also have insiders that gives free kills without noticing.

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Knowing the clan world, they probably won’t pay attention to these stats and will continue to rag 

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13 hours ago, 1720 said:

interesting read and good proposals


13 minutes ago, Bjuj said:

Knowing the clan world, they probably won’t pay attention to these stats and will continue to rag 

Ye yeah those stats will be ignored. 

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34 minutes ago, Bjuj said:

Knowing the clan world, they probably won’t pay attention to these stats and will continue to rag 

if they're going to be ignored whatsoever, no reason to implement it in the game ..

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