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Piety Completion & Tank Progress

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Updated with screenshots of 95 & 96 Defence, should get 99 this week. Currently using AFK'ing NMZ as a means to put off having to get MM2 Reqs.

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Updated with another Defence level.

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OHH very close mate!!! keep pushing. Also i think DH is faster xp for the tank at Nmz. if i remember right i was getting 72k/hour

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1 hour ago, Zewy said:

OHH very close mate!!! keep pushing. Also i think DH is faster xp for the tank at Nmz. if i remember right i was getting 72k/hour

Thanks for the tip, I'll try it next time I'm at my computer. With full obby I usually get 56k p/h afk using remote desktop and 76k at my PC, I was under the impression that unless you're 92+ hp obby is faster.

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Keep up the good work man! You're almost there!!

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I'm working on my tank now. Currently AFK'ing defence at NMZ, my setup is D boots, z ring, fury, dfs, f cape and full justiciar with a whip. I use one absorption potion every 20mins & i'm sitting on 55k/hr completely AFK. Only 86 def atm but I think at 90 I might change it up to get a better slash bonus and use a rapier. Both are very nice accounts, I have a maxed med already and I can tell i'll probably use the tank more haha.

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i don’t even have the motivation now to get 99 mage, and I’m 300k xp away from it. Good for you man haha

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1 hour ago, Nistly said:

i don’t even have the motivation now to get 99 mage, and I’m 300k xp away from it. Good for you man haha

I have to get 60 hunter next, that's the real grind.


EDIT: Next time I have my alts logged at MM2 tunnels and you're in CC I'll PM you so that you can afk it in 50 minutes :lol:

Edited by Milky

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Have fun with the swamp lizards :lol:

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99 Defence, now it's time for the easy part.



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