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99 defence

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Looking for a bit of info from those with Tank builds... How did you train 99 def? Back in the day I did it at Bandits, but I am assuming NMZ is the go? Do you DH on a tank or max str/slash bonus and whip it? I want the most AFK technique possible, and money isn't really an issue. I'm 70 att 74 str atm, don't plan on raising those yet as I wanna get quest cape before I max it.

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I did 1-99 whipping ammonite crabs on fossil island. I still have flashbacks 😧

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burst in mm2 caves on def 

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Chin, Burst, Nmz dharok, afk guthan nmz

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You can afk sand crabs using max gear (Tent or full obby w/ stick), and divine super combats. It's really really AFK. And, you get around 50-80k exp/hr. Which is pretty good considering you click a few times after every 15 minutes.

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I killed moss giants on pirates cove, mainly since I wanted something with almost no reqs that I could do while I ate breakfast in the morning and bank like once per week. I think with the gear I had and no potions or prayer flicking (probably a max of 25 or so with whip) I was getting ~60k exp per hour. I didn't track the loot the whole time, but from 92-99 I made about 20m mostly from ranarr seeds, and also picked up the keys and got 2 bryophyta's staves (which I think were about 5m at the time). Everything else mentioned so far is probably better than this though, I kinda just felt like trying it.

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prob chin or barrage on def when not maxed out range and def, if not nmz should be the meta

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42 minutes ago, syckness said:

prob chin or barrage on def when not maxed out range and def, if not nmz should be the meta

Yeah I would love to burst/barrage it. But already 99 mage, and 98 range haha.

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I'm currently afking 99 Defence with 70 attack + strength. I use full Obby, Obby Sword and while at my PC I get about 76k defence xp p/h in a hard rumble with overloads. While I'm at work I use super combats + absorbs in an easy rumble and repot every 15 min. This gets me 56k xp p/h, lasts until 6 hour log and I can comfortably get 800-900k def xp a day.


If you stand on the correct tile you can go 20 minutes in combat and it's usually about 40 mins until you get force logged, chrome remote desktop and an interval timer helps.


Below pic was from yesterday, my job is fairly active but it takes less than 10 seconds every 15 mins to make some gains.


Edited by Milky
Screenshot xp p/h

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18 hours ago, Milky said:

I'm currently afking 99 Defence with 70 attack + strength. I use full Obby, Obby Sword and while at my PC I get about 76k defence xp p/h in a hard rumble with overloads. While I'm at work I use super combats + absorbs in an easy rumble and repot every 15 min. This gets me 56k xp p/h, lasts until 6 hour log and I can comfortably get 800-900k def xp a day.


If you stand on the correct tile you can go 20 minutes in combat and it's usually about 40 mins until you get force logged, chrome remote desktop and an interval timer helps.


Below pic was from yesterday, my job is fairly active but it takes less than 10 seconds every 15 mins to make some gains.


Thanks heaps for the info man, exactly what I was chasing!

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