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Zerk 2 Med Progress

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Nearly Maxed, now to finish Roaving Elves and make some money for the return tab and I'm Apping up Boiiiis.

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Grim Tales & Another Slice of H.A.M 2go

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Thats one sexy account, but you have to get that 99str!

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Thank you much @Tier1 

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You wont regret 

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@Gemna, thank you kindly. Being it was my first zerk (first acc with any defence since 07) I was pretty nervous on the jump. Strong community here with alot of insight into what I was looking for, so far happy as can be.

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I promise you better loot, more fun to pk deep wildy, you can survive being tb'd you can do almost everything a main can and still hit pures that are actually worth it around revs and chins



75 attack med is like the new zerk

Edited by Gemna

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13 minutes ago, Gemna said:

I promise you better loot, more fun to pk deep wildy, you can survive being tb'd you can do almost everything a main can and still hit pures that are actually worth it around revs and chins



75 attack med is like the new zerk

This shit right here, that's why I'm loving this forum/discord/and all around Veng community.

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