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Late Night PK Trip ft. Destiny Members

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We managed to pull a solid small man squad yesterday. And, it was quite a successful trip overall, everyone had fun made bank, and it was a good learning experience for some.

Here are some of the highlights from yesterday, couldn't manage to put everything in, though.

And, these are just some of loot we got.


GG, bois!



Edited by keaune

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Good shit @keaune

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My boy kzea, MEMBER OF THE MONTH if you keep this going FOR SURE :) 

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Edited by Leyla

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37 minutes ago, Sybren said:

My boy kzea, MEMBER OF THE MONTH if you keep this going FOR SURE :) 

100% agreed

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My guy is on it with the activity and aftermaths! 

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The only thing I love more than a Viking making topics is the audio in that video lmfao better make sure the dragon gets a split xD

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nice job

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