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Ladies and Gentleman, with PVP finally being looked at by Jamflex it's only right that we help them on their quest to make the wildy great again, by PVPing every fucker we see in sight and making the boys some extra bank.

WITH THAT BEING SAID LETS PLAY A FUCKING GAME. Below you will see a hexagon grid, the way the game works is to try to complete a solid line across, if you come to a direct square you're stuck on you can either go up or down to still continue that line, this will take some grinding, I'm not making this easy for us! You must start on 1 and end on 30! 

My idea is to throw a 1mil into the pot each if you want to participate, with a winner takes all for the first member to make a line. I'll be making a list of members who have paid and then be giving the money to a ranked member to hold until the grid is complete! Should you be interested in being a part of this please post below with your IGN. THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL GET VERIFICATION AT THE END IS WITH SCREENSHOTS OF EACH STEP COMPLETED, which must be PM'd to myself and then looked over by a member of the ranked team.

Lets get this bread boys this is only supposed to be a bit of fun and to get us out to all reaches of the wildy!

This event will start on Monday 5th August @ 12am BST





  1. 1) PK a Spade
    2) Kill a chinner with 250k+ worth of chins on him
    3) kill a rune rocker with 200k+ worth or runite ore on him
    4) Kill a glory runner with at least 10 glorys on him
    5) Kill your BH target (must be in a pvp gear)
    6) 3+ Screenshots of Res members (can be multi)
    7) Kill a green dragon bot
    8) Kill someone with a dragon mace as your only melee weapon
    9) PK a Larans Key from a PVM'er
    10) Win 3 different rounds of inners
    11) 3 different kill pics of 1m+ loot outside of the rev caves
    12) Get a kill on a pvmer at one of each of these locations - Scorpia, Callisto, Archealogist, elemental, kbd lair entrance, vetion
    13) Kill someone outside of the wilderness, Lumbridge, varrock incl GE and edgte in a PVP world
    14) Get a 750k+ Pk at lava drags/anna
    15) Kill someone in full void passed 20 wildy

    17) PK a streamer (extra clan Kudos for clipping it)
    18) Screenshot of a 5 man+ barrage clump (with you maging it)
    19) PK someone with a pet on them in wildy
    20) Anti pk someone whilst unskulled in the wildy for more than 500k
    21) Kill someone from a rival clan (must be a known member of a different clan)
    22) Kill someone with 500k+ of Crabs from wildy arena
    23) Kill a hardcore
    24) Kill someone for 500k+ running essence in Abyss
    25) Kill someone with 10+ zammy wines on them
    26) Kill a boner for 500k+
    27) Kill someone doing Mage Arena 2 cape
    28) Get called a Ni**er by someone as you drop them (you cannot ask them to do this pre death)
    30) Smite a plus 1 worth 8m+
    69) Kill any Res Member for a +1 in singles! (must be 8m+)

Edited by PATRON

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Yes Yes Yes, im 100% down!


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I think patron is intelligent and handsome and cool 

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Ok, I'll do this as well :D Sick account

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Bad time for me. Might be going to a concert around that time, but good luck to everyone! I'll throw some extra money in the pot for the lucky winner

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15 hours ago, Nistly said:

Bad time for me. Might be going to a concert around that time, but good luck to everyone! I'll throw some extra money in the pot for the lucky winner

It's not gonna be something you can finish in a few days, I'm trying to make this last around 3-5 days minimum with some of the challenges. Thanks for the prize input nist :D 


7 hours ago, Arbor said:


What part? The challenges go up Sunday night my time. You complete a challenge by doing it and getting a sc of you completeting (killpic) you can then either move on upwards on downwards. So you can go 1-6-11-13-17-21-26-30 and that completes a line across? If you're still confused then lemme know abit more info on what you're confused on...

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cant attend but looks hella fun respect for hosting

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LSD's in! 

Challenges have just been completed. Signup boys! It's gonna be a fun one! 

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