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Fortnite !

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Anyone else play fortnite? I am currently a fortnite streamer. I play runescape occasionally again!


Hope to play with some of yall !

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Ayy nice

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I used to play it, but it got too tryhard for me. @Russian Brid plays it afaik.

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I quit Fortnite about 6 months ago. Goodluck tho, streamer!

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Add me on FN if you need a hard carry! My epic is "JFK INoScoped" - subtle flex look me up on fn tracker ;)

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Lol my xb1 gamertag was JFK when I bust, lmfao

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1 hour ago, Slipry said:

Lol my xb1 gamertag was JFK when I bust, lmfao

Great minds think alike >.<

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@RightSwipe, add "Slipry" on OSRS, or "Inurwindo" on XB1/Nintendo Switch if you down. Always doing something if I'm not at work. (Which I am)

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32 minutes ago, Slipry said:

@RightSwipe, add "Slipry" on OSRS, or "Inurwindo" on XB1/Nintendo Switch if you down. Always doing something if I'm not at work. (Which I am)

Will do! As soon as I'm off work myself >.<

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i play fortnite on PS4. 

feel free to add me : Ayrtonmichaux

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would enjoy playing with you. what ping u on?

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