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Gear choice for solo bridding

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60 attack med is almost complete, about to blood it in the wild. 

I do a lot of NHing on my pure, and I see meds in a variety of loadouts. I definitely see black 'dhide/mystics and spirit shields the most, but is there a case for crystal shields? Great defensive bonus was wondering if it was worth it. I've also seen heaps of people in Xericans + Book of Darkness when ragging.

What would be the best shield for standard mystics/black d'hides in your experiences.

Also, if I'm going out to revs or other multi areas and taking xercian, do you recommend just going full rag and taking water staff, climbing boots and book of darkness rather than mystic boots and spirit shield?

As a 60 att med, should I take climbing boots over mystic boots if I'm using an ancient staff, and mystic boots over climbing boots if I'm using a water staff?




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Spirit shield is so cost-efficient for singles, where Crystal shield outshines the cost efficiency of the Spirit shield in multi, due to its superior defensive stats.

When it comes to boots, I'd always go with mystic boots due to the fact that having your opponent frozen is one of the most important aspects of bridding. If the opponent is frozen and you aren't, you have control of the fight by a large percentage.

The Xericians robes with a book of darkness isn't a bad shout, but you will definitely feel weaker as you'll take a lot more damage with a book compared to a shield, but it still works fine. Combine it with a staff of water & you risk jack-shit really, I'd even use the Staff of water when I use mystics, but that is just me I guess. Ancient staff is better, but I like to not have water runes in my inventory.

Edited by Origen

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1 hour ago, Origen said:

Spirit shield is so cost-efficient for singles, where Crystal shield outshines the cost efficiency of the Spirit shield in multi, due to its superior defensive stats.

When it comes to boots, I'd always go with mystic boots due to the fact that having your opponent frozen is one of the most important aspects for bridding. If the opponent is frozen and you aren't, you have control of the fight by a large percentage.

The Xericians robes with a book of darkness isn't a bad shout, but you will definitely feel weaker as you'll take a lot more damage with a book compared to a shield, but it still works fine. Combine it with a staff of water & you risk jack-shit really, I'd even use the Staff of water when I use mystics, but that is just me I guess. Ancient staff is better, but I like to not have water runes in my inventory.

I use a water staff on my pure too, absolutely love it. Cheers for the in depth reply. Mystic boots and spirit shield it is!

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2 hours ago, Origen said:

Spirit shield is so cost-efficient for singles, where Crystal shield outshines the cost efficiency of the Spirit shield in multi, due to its superior defensive stats.

When it comes to boots, I'd always go with mystic boots due to the fact that having your opponent frozen is one of the most important aspects of bridding. If the opponent is frozen and you aren't, you have control of the fight by a large percentage.

The Xericians robes with a book of darkness isn't a bad shout, but you will definitely feel weaker as you'll take a lot more damage with a book compared to a shield, but it still works fine. Combine it with a staff of water & you risk jack-shit really, I'd even use the Staff of water when I use mystics, but that is just me I guess. Ancient staff is better, but I like to not have water runes in my inventory.


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5 hours ago, Origen said:

Spirit shield is so cost-efficient for singles, where Crystal shield outshines the cost efficiency of the Spirit shield in multi, due to its superior defensive stats.

When it comes to boots, I'd always go with mystic boots due to the fact that having your opponent frozen is one of the most important aspects of bridding. If the opponent is frozen and you aren't, you have control of the fight by a large percentage.

The Xericians robes with a book of darkness isn't a bad shout, but you will definitely feel weaker as you'll take a lot more damage with a book compared to a shield, but it still works fine. Combine it with a staff of water & you risk jack-shit really, I'd even use the Staff of water when I use mystics, but that is just me I guess. Ancient staff is better, but I like to not have water runes in my inventory.

nailed it

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The only perks of water staff is not having water runs in your inventory. Personally waterstaff and Xerican splashing pisses me off, so I'd go with the ancient staff and mystics. 

As or1gen said, spirit shield over crystal shield in singles.


One of the things that sucks about being 60 attack is not being able to use Ahrims.

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8 hours ago, Jely said:

The only perks of water staff is not having water runs in your inventory. Personally waterstaff and Xerican splashing pisses me off, so I'd go with the ancient staff and mystics. 

As or1gen said, spirit shield over crystal shield in singles.


One of the things that sucks about being 60 attack is not being able to use Ahrims.

Cheers for the replies everyone. Does the ahrim's staff give the +5% magic damage on it's own? I brid on a 60 att pure so idk haha

Edited by ytsb

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Damn I've been wondering this for so long. The -10 magic bonus on the crystal shield makes it a hard choice for sure.

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personally i always aim for high magic bonuses on my range tank, be it rag or decent gear... a single splashed freeze is enough to allow your victim to escape. book of darkness > unholy book imo

And staff of water is a great option since it allows for +1 inv slot (read +1 food / brew), which can make a whole difference in a close fight against a decent opponent. Personally i only go for staff of water if im in mystics, since the set bonuses compensate the low accuracy of the staff.

In case of Xerician, i would go for ancient staff (its rag gear anyway, +1 food slot shouldnt make that much difference bacause you will get hit anyway in garbage rag gear, so the +5 magic bonus from the staff can be good).



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if your not using a +1 or using  a dds I find an occult pretty handy to bring. Gets the magic dps a bit higher.

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I prefer spirit shield over crystal shield in singles simply due to the negative mage bonus on the crystal shield. i dont like splashing 

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