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efficient med guide?

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looking to build a 60 att med level. first time making this build. anyone know of an efficient questing/stat guide?

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How id train a new account:
-get 43 pray start cannoning wildy slayer till 69 slayer (keeping low hp will make this a lot easier since fewer people in your combat bracket will be pking there)
-bang out other mm2 reqs + quests dt 
-get 74/77 prayer (preference)
-burst on defensive till 69ish defense (depending on what level you wanna end on) and just burst all the way to 99 from there. 
-Buy rigour, get void and chin 99 range
-After that quest till b gloves and stick your account in nmz with oby armour.



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20 minutes ago, Basil said:

How id train a new account:
-get 43 pray start cannoning wildy slayer till 69 slayer (keeping low hp will make this a lot easier since fewer people in your combat bracket will be pking there)
-bang out other mm2 reqs + quests dt 
-get 74/77 prayer (preference)
-burst on defensive till 69ish defense (depending on what level you wanna end on) and just burst all the way to 99 from there. 
-Buy rigour, get void and chin 99 range
-After that quest till b gloves and stick your account in nmz with oby armour.



topic closed haha.

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EVScape will release a Barrows gloves speed guide. 

You should probably look into that.

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3 hours ago, Basil said:

How id train a new account:
-get 43 pray start cannoning wildy slayer till 69 slayer (keeping low hp will make this a lot easier since fewer people in your combat bracket will be pking there)
-bang out other mm2 reqs + quests dt 
-get 74/77 prayer (preference)
-burst on defensive till 69ish defense (depending on what level you wanna end on) and just burst all the way to 99 from there. 
-Buy rigour, get void and chin 99 range
-After that quest till b gloves and stick your account in nmz with oby armour.



this lmao

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just follow this man ,really solid guide and add to it mm2 + ds2 + kings ransom(+ reqs)

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bas just owned this topic

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You can get a quest cape on the account so just do whatever you want.

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10 hours ago, Basil said:

How id train a new account:
-get 43 pray start cannoning wildy slayer till 69 slayer (keeping low hp will make this a lot easier since fewer people in your combat bracket will be pking there)
-bang out other mm2 reqs + quests dt 
-get 74/77 prayer (preference)
-burst on defensive till 69ish defense (depending on what level you wanna end on) and just burst all the way to 99 from there. 
-Buy rigour, get void and chin 99 range
-After that quest till b gloves and stick your account in nmz with oby armour.




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if this is still viable i would do it otherway around.

Get barrow gloves as soon as possible, simply follow this guide : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D-nwzh8yhiWDY31a9pIwhuD0q4y58l73TRWfWI-GFS4/edit#gid=824432140
next train att str def to 70-60-60. get dragon defender. => nmz obby until 85 combat.(imbue slayer helm/berserker ring if you get enough points) get 69 slayer with nieve using cannon => compelete ds2 & mm2.

get 77 pray and augury/rigour.

complete 99 ranged chinning mm2 caves. (70 def bursting)
complete 99 magic bursting/barraging mm2 caves.
finish 99 strenght obby Nmz.

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Its basically the same as making a zerker dude just make sure to do all attack xp quest and youll be fine

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